True Kind Of Love (Edgeworth x Larry's Sister! Reader)

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Reader's Personality: nothing really specific.
Reader's Relations: Larry's sister.
Timing: Dual Destinies. (No case in specific.)

May include a slight trigger warning (Includes mention of Sexual Harassment)


"Come on, (Y/n)! You gotta get a boyfriend!"

"Larry, I already told you, you don't need to keep this up! The tenth one was enough" I don't need a boyfriend! Especially if you're the one picking him out for me!"

"Come on, (Y/n)! You do! You can't be single forever!"

"Larry, if I don't want a boyfriend you can't force me!"

"Why? What's so bad about having a boyfriend?!"

"Nothing! I just don't want one!"

That wasn't the real reason I wanted Larry to stop; One of the so-called 'boyfriends' Larry had set me up with had sexually harassed me and I didn't want it to happen again. I didn't want to tell him because it would just be a burden to him and I didn't want that.


"Larry, calm down! You're a witness, not the defendant. (Y/n) can you knock some sense into him?"

"Sure thing, Miles!" I replied proceeding to slap Larry over the head smirking while I did.

"Oww! (Y/n) what did you do that for?" 

"Because you needed some sense knocked into you, Larry. You're not the defendant, only a witness."


Throughout my testimony and cross-examination, I was trying to contain myself; The defendant was the same 'boyfriend' that had sexually harrassed me. I hadn't told anyone. After the trial, Miles approached me, "(Y/n), are you ok? That trial, you were shaking the whole time."

"Nothing's wrong, Miles. Just leave me alone," I replied trying to walk away from him but he grabbed my hand before I could get too far, "(Y/n), I can see right through you. I know something's going wrong."

"I don't want you to know! I don't want you to see me as pathetic!"

"(Y/n), you're not pathetic. I certainly don't think you are!"

"You really want to know? I'll tell you! There's nobody who'll ever love me genuinely!" I cried running off.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" I stopped when he called out o me, "What? Come to laugh in my face? Go on them laugh!"

"I'm not going to laugh at you. In fact, I was going to do the opposite."


"I mean this," he replied, leaning down and kissing me. I was caught off guard but wrapped my arms around his neck on instinct soon feeling his around my waist. I smiled at this, I'd had a secret crush on him for ages.

"(Y/n)! We need to g-Oh my!"

We broke off at the sound of Larry's voice, "Larry! What are you doing!?"

"It seems you didn't need my help after all, (Y/n)."

"I guess I didn't Larry. I told you I could handle myself," I replied leaning up and pecking Miles on the cheek.

"I call being the flower girl at the wedding!" Athena screeched. (Don't ask why she's here... I wanted to add her.)

"Athena! It's going to be a while before that happens," Apollo spoke, slapping his hand across her mouth. 

"Thank you, Apollo. You're right, it will probably be a while before that happens," I spoke my face red. 

"Miss (Y/n), I am sorry for Athena's actions. I apologise to you as well, Mr Edgeworth. Athena is very childish at times."

"It's okay, Apollo. You don't need to apologise, we both know someone who is equally annoying. It must be hard to deal with someone like that," I spoke glaring at Larry. He caught me drift, "Yeah! I know! It's so annoying!"

"Larry, she's talking about you," Miles spoke.

"Oh.. (Y/n), how can you say that!? You're my sister!"

"I know, Larry but, you are annoying at times. Especially when you keep trying to set me up with people."

"I love you, (Y/n)."

"Love you too, Miles."

"What about me, (Y/n)!"

"I love you in a different way, Larry. I love you, like a brother."

"Way to ruin the moment Larry."

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