Worrying Leads to Confessions (Edgeworth x reader)

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(Y/i) means your initial

(N/n) means nickname

?? - (Y/n), you need to come back. I'm worried, Miles has been all depressed since you left.

(Y/i) - WHAT!! Why didn't you call me earlier?!

?? - Sorry (N/n).

(Y/i)- Fine i'll take the next flight to LA.

?? - Good I knew you would come back.

That was a week ago and I finally managed to book a flight to LA. Even though I had been out of the country for 5 years I still remember LA as if I had never left. I went to the prosecutors office knowing that Miles would be there.

I entered the building and went up to the reception desk. 

"Excuse me, could you tell me the location of the office of Miles Edgeworth please."

the receptionist looked up at me and her eyes widened in shock, "Miss von Karma? I thought you were back in Germany?" 

"Well I was until my sister called saying that Mr. Edgeworth 'has been all depressed since I left' and that 'I needed to come back as soon as possible.'"

"Well I haven't seen the chief prosecutor leave his office but I guessed it was because he was really busy."

"Did you say Chief Prosecutor? Why didn't Franny tell me? Can you please tell me his office number?"


I knocked on the door to his office, "Miles? Miles, I'm coming in."

I entered the office to see him slumped over his desk asleep. I walked over to him and pushed his bangs out of his face, "Miles, wake up."

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) is that really you?" he replied waking up.

"What do you think? That Franziska's is trying to play a trick on you? She called me saying that you've been all depressed since I left. She was worried about you Miles, and the truth is so was I. After she called I booked the next possible flight here to make sure you were ok."

"Well, I was a bit up upset that you left without saying goodbye. But I didn't want to bother you as I figured that it was because you needed to go for a trial and I was also upset because I wanted to tell you something. Since I met you, you've saddled me with what I used to call 'unnecessary feelings' but now I realise that they are necessary."

"I'm listening."

"I....I .."

"Just spit it out Miles!"

"I love you (Y/n). I know it's bad because we are technically siblings, well adoptive siblings to be exa...." he didn't finish his sentence because he was interupted by me kissing him.

"I love you too, Miles. Always have and always will." I said after pulling away.

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