In The Woods (Apollo x Juniper's Sister! Reader)

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This takes place during the first (And technically fourth) case of Dual Destinies (Because the first case happens halfway through the fourth case). Please do not read if you haven't played/seen a playthrough of Dual Destinies.

Timing: Dual Destinies


"Junie! Apollo!" I shouted running to the two and shielding them from the rubble that was going to fall on them, meaning I got hit myself.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n), are you ok?"

"Nrgh, I'm fi-" I passed out before finishing my sentence.


"Junie are you sure you'll be ok? I don't want anything happening to you," I asked my sister.

"I'll be fine (Y/n). I've got Thena and Apollo there for me," she replied.

"Right, you do! You'll be fine!"

"With an attitude like that, people will mistake you for Apollo's sister, (N/n)!" Athena squealed. Which would be bad, concerning my current crush. 

"Are you ok, Apollo? That bomb took quite the toll on you," I asked.

"APOLLO JUSTICE IS-" he fainted before he could finish his sentence. He stood back up, "Yeah! I'm fine!"

"Clearly not, Apollo. I don't want you getting hurt. You're not going in that courtroom! You're going to stay here and rest!" I spoke pushing him over to the sofa, "Athena, are you ok defending Juniper on your own? There's no way Apollo's going into that courtroom."

"Yep! It'll be my first time in court alone! But there's a first time for everything, right?"

"Thanks Thena," I answered giving her a hug, "I belive in you. I'm going to stay with Apollo to make sure he doesn't do anything reckless, that will get him hurt more." I sat back down on the sofa next to Apollo and started to rub his back to calm him down.


Time passed and Junie was sent to sit in the lobby with us as she'd had a coughing fit in the courtroom and Athena, being the good friend she is, asked if she could rest in the lobby for the duration of the trial. 

"You ok Junie?" I asked her when she was led out the courtroom.

"Yep, just *caugh* *cough*. No."

"Here," I spoke bringing out her cough medicine from my bag and handing it to her, "Brought it with me just in case. You never know when you might need it!"

"Thanks, (Y/n)," she replied taking the medicine and handing it back to me. I put it back in my bag and ushered to sit down on the sofa.

 "Oh no!"

"What is it Junie?!" I asked starting to panic.

"I think I left Bum Rap Rhiny in the courtroom, before the bombing!" she squeaked, starting to panic. "Junie, calm down. I'll go and look for him, ok? You two stay here, you're not in any fit way to walk about looking for anything, ok?" They both nodded and I stood up and walked off to courtroom 4 which was now in ruins. I looked around for a while before I felt a severe pain in the back of my head. I fell to the ground and passed out.

------------ATHENA'S POV

"Where are you (Y/n)!? Trial's over for today! I shouted walking into courtroom  4 looking for (Y/n), Mr Wright, Apollo and Junie following soon after. I looked round the courtroom until I saw something I wish I hadn't; (Y/n)'s body lying on the ground. I gasped, Mr Wright, Junie and Apollo gasping as well. It was then that memories started flooding back to me and I screamed. The courthouse security came rushing and cornered off the courtroom, meaning we didn't get a proper chance to look around.

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