High School Crush (Part 2)

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Flashback to rejog your memory:

"How was school today?" Father asked us after we both got in.

"Good." We replied, "nothing out of the ordinary," I continued.

"Apart from the fact that (Y/n) has a boyfriend now," Miles said.

My face went bright red, "Miles! I was going to tell him in my own time!"

Father chuckled, "(Y/n), you don't need to be embarrassed. I'm sure Miles would have told me later on anyway."

"I wanted to tell you though!"

"So who is it?"

I spit out my drink from my water bottle, "I'm sorry what?"

"You heard me (Y/n), who is it?"

I took a deep breath glaring at the back seat to Miles before turning back to Father, "Larry."

"I always though it would end up being him. You finally got the courage did you?"

"Actually, Larry carried her all the way to the nurses office after school. She fainted due to the amount of stress from our GCSEs."

"And he, took a detention for me, because I'd lent him the wrong jotter. He forgot his French jotter for the third time this week and I was going to lend him by Biology jotter to write in and then tear out the page, because out French and Biology jotters are the same colour, but, after I had given it to him, I realised I gave him my French jotter instead of my Biology one. Meaning I went to French without my jotter but when the teacher was going to give me a detention for not bringing, Larry stood up saying that I shouldn't face the punishment for something I didn't do. He confessed to forgetting his jotter and took the detention. It was just after I came round in the nurses office that I finally plucked up the courage to tell him."

"Well good for you girl!"

"Thanks father."


The next day I was up and out the door early. Me and Miles had a race everyday to see who would get the front seat of the car on the way to school and back. I won literally every time due to that fact that Miles will not wake up till about five minute till we have to leave. I was hiding underneath the glove box and the chair waiting for Miles. I was planning on making him believe he'd finally managed to get ready before me but trick him. I was silently recording it as well.

I heard footsteps coming to the car and I fell completely silent. I heard Miles's voice, "Wow, I finally get the front seat for once. I wonder where (Y/n) is." He opened the door and shrieked, "(Y/n), what the?"

"Tricked you didn't I? Now get in the back, ya twerp!" I replied sitting on the chair and stopping the video.

"You didn't record that did you?"

I smirked trying to contain my laughter, "You did."

"Yep! And I'm going to shoe Nick and Larry when we get to school."

"Please don't!"

"Too late."

-----------------Year later

"Melissa sweetie, what are you doing?"

"Oh hello mummy! I helping daddy bake!" I looked up at Larry. They both had flour all over them. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, "You two go and change, let me handle the baking." They left the kitchen and I took care of the burnt cupcakes that were in the oven, before starting a freshly new batch. Taking them out the oven, I left them to cool on the rack. I heard the doorbell ring and I want to answer the door, "Miles! I haven't see you in so long!"

You literally saw me yesterday (Y/n)."

"I know but, you're my brother!"

"(Y/n), what's that smell?"

"Cupcakes. Thanks for reminding me I need to go ice them. Larry is getting changed as well as Melissa, if the doorbell rings can you answer it? I invite some other people over."

"Yep!" I walked back into the kitchen to see two less cupcakes than I had made, "LARRY! GET YOU BUTZ DOWN HERE AND EXPLAIN THIS!" The next thing I knew both him and Melissa were in the kitchen looking sheepishly at their feet.

"Larry, why are there two less cupcakes than there should be?"

"I'm sorry, I got hungry."

"It's ok. Just don't steal anymore. Miles is here by the way, he's in the living room. Melissa do you want to go and say hello to your uncle?" she nodded and left the kitchen. Larry then pushed me against the counter, "Larry, not now! I need to ice these cupcakes. Out!" He left the room defeatedly.


"Who's ready for cupcakes?" I asked. Everyone nodded and I went into the kitchen balancing the three plates of cupcakes on my arms and head. "Here we go," I said pulling them down.

"These are good (Y/n), how did you learn to bake so well?"

"I'm not telling you, Miles," I said looking at father.

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