Turnabout For Tomorrow (Blackquill x Reader)

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Warnings: Contains spoilers for Turnabout For Tomorrow (Dual Destinies Case 5). Do not read if you haven't play the case.


December 20th

Detention Centre

Visitors Room

"Simon! You need to stop saying you killed Athena's mother! I know you didn't! Just stop! Ok? You're going to get executed for a crime you didn't commit! You have one day! Please just stop! I couldn't handle it if you were killed! I love you too much!"

"I know, (Y/n), but I can't let Athena get a murder wrap! I told you that when I got there that Dr Cykes had already been murdered and the only one there was Athena."

"I know! I was with you!"


I was at the detention centre hoping to talk to Athena when we heard two people arguing, Prosecutor Blackquill and (Y/n)? We approached them and heard something important, "I know I was with you! I was there 7 years ago! I know neither you nor Athena murdered her mother! There must have been a fifth party that showed up! Other that you, me, Athena and her mother. Please just trust me! I know you didn't!"

"(Y/n), is everything alright?" I asked walking up to them. She jumped at my presence, "Oh, hello Mr. Wright, sorry about have happened to Athena. I know she's innocent but someone thinks that Athena murdered her mother," she said staring holes into Prosecutor Blackquill. "(Y/n)! You were there! You saw what happened!"

"I know but it doesn't mean Athena murdered her!" she shouted back, "Just please, I know you didn't!" she started quietly crying before placing her hands on the glass, "Please?"

"I know. Love you too," Blackquill replied placing his hands on the glass as well mirroring (Y/n)'s.

"I hate to break up this loving scene, but, Aura has taken hostages and given us one hour to organise a re-trial of the UR-1 incident. I was going to talk to Athena about it, but I don't really want to upset her anymore and you seem to know about it."

"Well I don't think Simon's going to be any help, he's been insisting that he murdered Athena's mother for the past seven years when I know that he didn't because I was there that day and I was with him the whole time!"


"Well, I want to hear what both of you have to say."

"Fine, I murdered Dr Cykes."

"NO YOU DIDN'T SIMON! JUST STOP!" I shouted at him so loudly he fell off the chair from not expecting it, "Sorry, I am fed up of you saying you did it! Mr. Wright, I know is going to defend Athena with all he has AND he's got the CHIEF PROSECUTOR helping him! You can tell the truth about what you saw, like I will! To prove your innocence."

"Fine. I'll speak, after you."

"Ok, Mr. Wright. We were at the space centre that day because Dr Cykes had wanted to speak to us something about Athena and if anything happened. We never actually found out what specifically because when we got there we saw Dr Cykes lying on the operating table, Athena standing over her with blood on her top, hence the reason Simon took the blame, because we thought that Athena had murdered her mother. Athena noticed us and knowing us, because Simon was Dr Cykes' apprentice and I had gone with him many times, she looked at us directly in the eye and spoke 'Something's wrong with Mom, so I'm taking her apart to fix her!' There was a bloody katana lying on the floor and Athena was between her mother and katana."


"I'm sorry Mr Wright, but that's the truth."

"See! I had a reason to do take the blame! I couldn't let an innocent eleven year old girl take a murder wrap!"

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