Guilty of Love (Edgeworth x Tall! Gumshoe's Sister! Reader)

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Requested By: SkyWolfDoesBooks

Request: Not giving what the request said as it would give too much of the story away!

Timing: First Game specifically Turnabout Goodbyes


Miles Edgeworth was an... interesting... person. I'd never met him personally but my brother had talked about him so much that I could tell he really looked up to Edgeworth. It was a normal day, well until I got a specific phone call;

G - Hey, (Y/n). 

Y - Hello! My big brother that's also an amazing detective even if his pay keeps getting cut! What can I do for you?

G - You gotta help me, Pal! It's Mr Edgeworth! He's been arrested!

Y - You mean, you have to arrest him, because there's 'decisive evidence' that he killed a guy, right?

G - You know, you should be the detective, not me.

Y - Really? Because I only know because I saw in to the television.

G - What?!

Y - It's called the news.

G - Sorry. Maybe this is why Mr Edgeworth keeps cutting my salary.

Y - Anything you need help with?


"You want to sneak into von Karma's office?"

"That's where he always hides evidence that's not in his favour."

"Are you sure? I mean..." Mr Wright was cut off.

"The case you're making in there is so fierce, you've convinced me of my innocence."

"Me and Maya will go! That's if Maya wants to help?" I piped up.

"Yeah! I want to help!" Maya replied.

"Is that a good idea?"

"I'll have to go with you part way."

"You don't have to," Maya spoke confused.

"I actually do, the doors have a retina scanner. Only prosecutors can enter."

"Wow! That's crazy!" I squealed.

"But you know you're like on trial and everything, I don't think you can just skip out whenever you want! They won't like that!" Larry said.

"I'll be back in ten minutes."

"That's not enough. The recess is only five."

"there's not enough time," me and Maya said at the same time, looking down slightly.

"Then we're just going to have to get creative," Larry spoke, his hand on his chin. He told us his plan and we got it set up before me, Edgeworth and Maya walked off to the prosecutor's office.

Edgeworth put his eye up to the scanner, "Entrance authorised." The doors opened and I spoke up, "You need to get back to court. We'll take it from here!"

"Thank you both for you're help."

"All good! A friend of Nick's is a friend of mine!" Maya squealed saluting. Edgeworth walked off and we entered the office.

"Dum dum dumdum dumdum. Dun dun dundum..." 

"Maya stop it we're supposed to be quiet!"

"Whose there?" Maya ran to the other side of the room and the guard chased her, "Come and get me, Mr Guard!" while I stuck up to von Karma's desk and opened the draw. "And that's a bingo!" I took out the bullet and hid it in my pocket. I stood up and grabbed Maya's hand, dragging her out the office and back to the courtroom, "Did you get the bullet?"

"Yep! It's in my pocket!"


We arrived at the courtroom just in time, "I understand the defence has no new evidence to present?"

"The defence has.."

"Hold it!" I shouted running into the courtroom, "Your Honour! The defence has new evidence to present! This was the bullet that killed Gregory Edgeworth fifteen years ago! It was in your office! You tried to hide it!"

I saw von Karma clutch his shoulder, "You thieving little vixen!"

"We have to extract the bullet from Mr von Karma's shoulder!" Mr Wright shouted, "Once it's out we can compare the ballistic markings!"

"And if the match that would prove they were indeed fired from the same pistol!" Edgeworth shouted.

"And furthermore prove that you were at the scene of the crime that day! With out a doubt!" The both finished together.


"Thank you all. I know now that my nightmares are over and (Y/n)," I looked to him when he said my name, "Yes?"

"How can I repay you for your help?"

"I think I have an idea. This," I walked over to him and lifted his chin up, kissing him. I soon felthim wrap his arms round my waist and mine went to his neck. I broke off, "That's how."

"Fine by me, I'd do that any day of the week."

I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Love you."

"Love you too."

"Victory Photo!" Maya shouted. We all gathered and just as Lotta took the photo, I pecked Miles on the cheek, making him flush red.

"Now that's a keeper! Thanks Lotta!" Maya squealed.

"Why  is it a keeper, Maya?" Miles asked.

"Becuase of this," she replied pointing to him in the photo with a bright red face, "You're face is as red as your suit jacket!"

I could help but giggle softly, "Maya, if you want a picture of him with a bright red face, I can give you a better one."

"Really? Gimme!"

"Get the camera ready then!"

She got the camera ready and again just as she was about to take the picture I pecked him on the cheek and his face flushed red.

"Thanks! Now Nick! Take me to get burgers!" With that she dragged him off and Larry followed soon. Leaving me with Miles and my brother.

"Congratulations Mr Edgeworth! I knew you were innocent!" My brother squealed, hugging Miles. "Gumshoe get off me!"

He got off and I grabbed they're hands, dragging them out the courthouse. "Come on! We need to catch up with the others!"

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