Dog People (Edgeworth x Gumshoe's Sister! Reader)

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Requested By: SkyWolfDoesBooks

Reader's personality: kind of shy and secluded.
Reader's relations: Gumshoe's sister
Timing: Any case during the first game is fine. (I'm choosing after Turnabout Goodbyes (So I don't have to make Edgeworth a jerk))
Plot: The reader meets Miles while her and Gumshoe are taking Missile out for a walk and they run into Miles as he's walking Pess. (Pess is Miles dog btw) She's heard Gumshoe talk about him before, but has never actually met him before. Pess takes a liking to the reader, and so her and Miles end up meeting eachother a lot more while on walks.


"Missile, are you ready for your walk?" I asked the dog.

"He won't understand you, (Y/n). He's a dog."

"I know that! Can I still not talk to him?"

"Good point."

Missile then ran off and came back a few minutes later, lead and collar in his mouth. I giggled and took them from him before putting them on and turning to my brother, "What were you saying about Missile not being able to understand me?"

"Ok, fine. Maybe he can."

"Now let's a go!"

"(Y/n), we don't need Mario references, this is an Ace Attorney oneshot."

"Yeah, and we're all video game characters and people are reading this? Yeah right, that's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard, come on Missile," I replied turning back to the dog and walking to the door hearing one final thing, "(Y/n)! don't leave without me!" he came rushing out the house in his trenchcoat, "You know I'd never leave without you, right?"

"I'm sorry, I just don't want anything to happen to you. If something did happen then I'd be back to living off instant noodles rather than your amazing cooking!"

"I'm glad you think my cooking is amazing, but don't go that far. You know I'd leave everything to you if I died suddenly," I spoke nudging his shoulder. 

"You would?"

"Yep! You should know that."

"Maybe this is the reason Mr Edgeworth keeps cutting my salary, I keep missing obvious things," he replied looking down like a kicked puppy. (See what I did there?) We walked to Gourd Lake and I let Missile off his lead. I threw the ball for him and he ran off, bringing it back a few minutes later. "Good boy," I spoke patting his head, "Drop." He dropped the ball and I picked it up with the throwing thing (If you know it's name please tell me) and threw it again. It was while I was waiting for him to return I was unexpectedly knocked off my feet. I realised, once I had my back on the grass, that it was a dog that had knocked me over. The dog then started licking my face, making me giggle. It was a few minutes later when I heard a voice, "Pess! Where are you?! Pess! Come here! Pess-Oh, there you are." The dog, who I assumed was Pess, ran off and I stood up, wiping myself of grass stains and dog saliva. Missile came back with the ball in his mouth and just as I was about to throw it again I had pair of front paws on my skirt, "oh hello, Pess. Where's your owner should you not be with them?" Just then someone came over, "Pess there you are! I was looking for you. Thank you for looking after my dog. Pess has a tendency to run off."

"It's fine. Missile has a tendency to run off as well."

"Did you say Missile? Like the police dog?"

"Yep! Along with my brother, I take care of him."

"So you must be (Y/n). Gumshoe goes on and on about you. Seriously he will not shut up, he keeps saying; 'I'm so glad I have (Y/n). f I didn't I wouldn't have anything to eat! She's the reason I'm still alive!'."

I giggled, "That sounds like my brother. But would you mind telling me your name? You know since you already know mine."

"Of course, Miles Edgeworth."

"Mr Edgeworth! I'm so sorry I didn't recognise you! It's an honour to meet you in person!"

"I think it's my honour to meet you, (Y/n)."

"No really, I'm just nothing. You, however, are a very well known person and celebrity! It's an honour to meet you!"

"Shall we stop this argument? Anger and arguing don't really suit you."

"Sorry. Again I'm sorry but we need to go. I just remembered something I meant to do, so.." I trailed off and went to walk off after putting Missile back on his lead. However I didn't get very far, as Missile pushed my back into Edgeworth, who caught me from falling over. We stayed like that for a while, both Missile and Pess looking at us. I noticed Edgewowth's eyes flickering between my eyes and my lips, silently asking for permission. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms round his neck, pulling him down to me and kissing him. We fell over due to me being supported by him, leading to me lying on th grass and him hovering above me. "You don't need to ask permission, Mr Edgeworth."

"Please, call me Miles. It would feel weird having my girlfriend calling me 'Mr' all the time."

I felt my face heat up at that statement, "You want me to be your girlfriend?!"

"Gah! I didn't mean to say that.. Actually what I meant was if you'd want to that is."

"Of course!" I squealed jumping on him again and kissing him.

"(Y/n)! Missile! Where are you!?" I then heard my brother's voice, "Oh there-what the-!?"

"Gah! Gumshoe! What are you doing?!" Miles asked standing up and dusting himself off.

"Mr Edgeworth Sir! I was looking for (Y/n)! Sir! But it seems you found her first."

"Yep, you sure did, and I'm glad. I wouldn't be able to do this if you hadn't," I replied, pecking Miles on the cheek.

"Did I miss something or-?" my brother trailed off.

"Nope! Nothing!"

-------------------------------A FEW MONTHS LATER! - EDGEWORTH'S POV

"Gumshoe, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, Sir! Ask away!"

"I was wondering whether you'd give me permission to marry your sister."

"Of course, Sir! You don't need to ask my permission!" he replied hugging me. "Gumshoe! Get off me!" he listened and I went to find (Y/n).

-------------YOUR POV

I was sitting at home when I heard a knock at the door. I walked out and opened it, "Oh Miles! What brings you here?"

"I wanted to speak to you, can I come in?"

"Of course!" I replied letting him in, "Do you want some tea? I was just about to have some."

"You know me too well now, if you're already making some."

I hopped off to the kitchen and popped the kettle on, coming bach into the living room a few minutes later with two cups of tea, "Here you go," I said handing Miles one of the cups and taking a sip from the other.

"Thank you, (Y/n). Now the reason why I wanted to talk to you, is to as a very important question. I've loved you for what a few months? But it's been the best few months of my life! Granted the rest of my life has been terrible (Miles isn't one to swear, if he had been he would have said 'shit' rather than terrible) But, that's beside the point. What I want to ask is would you be willing to spend the rest of you life with me and become my wife?" he asked getting done on one knee and producing a ring. 

"Miles, of course, I would!" I replied starting to tear up. He stood up and placed the ring on my finger before wiping my fae from the tears that were cascading down and kissing me.

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