Eight Years (Larry x Reader)

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Summary: Reader has been in France for the past eight years. Let's see Larry's reaction when she returns...

Time: Between Dual Destinies & Spirit of Justice

Warnings: None


(Y/n) - Nick, can you meet me at the airport at 4pm please?

Phoenix - Why?

(Y/n) - Do you not remember? I'm coming back today then! That's when the flight comes in and can you bring Miles and Larry?

Phoenix - Ok. Bye, I'll see you there.

(Y/n) - Bye! See you!


I finally got off the plane and I literally ran to get my bag. After I got my bag I ran out to the arrivals area to see my three best friends.

"Nick!!!! Miles!! Larry!!!" I shouted running up to the trio, "I missed you guys so much!!" I continued hugging them.

"It's good to see you to (Y/n)!" Nick replied.

"I agree with Wright, it's good to see you (Y/n)," Miles said.

"(Y/n)!!!" Larry screeched squeezing me in a hug, "Why did you leave us!?" he continued, upset at me.

"I'm sorry! I had no choice! My parent forced me to got to France, Larry! The only reason I'm back is because I found out that they both died!" I shouted tearing up, "I thought you'd be happy to see me, but I guess I shouldn't have asked Nick to bring you and just for him to bring Miles!" I then ran off away from them, tearing up the whole time....


"Larry, you shouldn't have shouted at her! She was looking forward to seeing you! She's been away for eight years and the reason she didn't tell you was because her parents didn't give her anytime to say goodbye!" I shouted at him.

"What's gotten into you Nicky!? She leaves and doesn't say goodbye. She doesn't contact any of us for eight years! What, am I supposed to be happy that she's back!?"

"Yes, Larry! She didn't contact us because her parents didn't let her! She would have contacted us if she was allowed to but she wasn't! I know one person she especially would have contacted and that's you! She's in love with you Larry! When will you get it!"

His face was in complete shock, "Really? You're not pulling my leg are you Nicky?"

"He's not Larry, it's the truth. (Y/n), has fallen head over heals for you," Edgeworth spoke.

"I gotta go! I see you guys later. Bye Edgy! Bye Nicky!" Larry shouted running off the same way (Y/n) had.

-------------------- YOUR POV

I ran off to my house and locked myself in before crying again, Why did I think Larry would be happy? I did leave without telling why. I had been crying for a while when I heard a knock on the door, "(Y/n)? Are you in there?"


"Larry, what do you want?" I asked through the door.

"I wanted to say sorry, I didn't think. Nick told me you had feelings for me, is that true? Cause I fell the same way towards you."

I opened the door and grabbed his collar, kissing him, "Yes, I do Larry. I haven't lost those feelings in eight years."

"That's good, I love you too." I leaned up and kissed him again.


"Hey, um, (Y/n), can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can Larry."

"Would you want to spend the rest of you life with me, and marry me?" he asked getting down on one knee and producing a ring.

"Of course I will Larry!"

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