The Skye's The Limit (Lana x Reader x Ema) (Separate Endings)

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Requested By: Outorou-Shingo

Request: "could you do one where the reader loves Lana, but Ema loves the reader? Maybe an angst ending where the reader ends up with Lana, so Ema is heart broken, then later Lana starts to grow distant towards the reader, so the reader goes to Ema to find out that Ema is in love with somebody else like Klavier, either this bad ending or you could do separate endings."

I'm doing the separate endings. (My brain is physically incapable of writing angst. It always ends up fluffy in the end)

(You are a defence attorney, who works at the WAA. You know Lana from facing her in court and Ema from being the lead detective on several of your cases. Just thought I'd point that out.)

Also set after Lana's released due to the incident in Rise From the Ashes.

Ema is 23, you are 26 and Lana is 36



Do I tell her? What do I do? I want to tell her, but what if she rejects me?! I don't know what I would do then.. Right, I'm going to tell her. These were the thoughts running through my mind. I wanted to tell (Y/n), I had feelings for her, but I didn't want to be rejected. I decided I would talk it over with Lana first to see when she thought I should do.

"Lana, can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure Ema, what do you need?"

"Well, I've developed feelings for a girl and I was wondering whether you thought I should tell her or not."

"If you don't mind me asking, who is it?"


I noticed her gulp and sigh, "You should tell her Ema. I'm sure she feels the same about you."

"Thanks Lana!" I replied running out and to the Wright Anything Agency.


Why did I tell her that? Well, my sister's happiness is worth more than mine. As long as she's happy, I am right? Oh what I am I thinking? (Y/n) is way closer to Ema's age than mine, it would just cause problems and it's a risk, a risk I'm willing to take. We'll leave this up to (Y/n), little sister. I walked out my office and followed Ema to the agency.


I was looking over some paperwork in the agency when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Lana and Ema, "Hey guys what brings you here?"

"I want to talk to you about something, and I have no idea why Lana's here," Ema spoke.

"I'm here for the exact same reason Ema is. I want to talk to you."

"Ok, well on you two go."

"(Y/n), I've come to realise that both of us have feelings for you."

I looked to Ema to see her with a shocked look on her face. "What? You both have feeling for me?"

"Yeah, which is why we're leaving it up to you."


"If you both have feelings, for me. I'm going to have to go with Ema. I'm sorry Lana, nothing against you, but there is a ten year age-gap between us," I spoke. Lana smiled, "It's perfectly fine, (Y/n). As long as Ema's happy, I am," she said leaving the agency. I turned to Ema, "Sorry, now you-" she shut me up by smashing her lips on mine. I responded by wrapping arms round her waist, pulling her closer to me. I soon felt hers round my neck and her hands tangle in my hair.

"(Y/n)! We're-Oh snap!"

We broke away at the sound of the new voice in the room, "Athena!? What are you doing back so early?"

"Hold on, give me a minute to get that image out my head," she replied shaking her head, "So what were you saying?"

"I asked you why you were back so early."

"Oh. Well, the trial ended quickly and by that I mean the minute Mr Wright pressed the witness, they broke down and confessed to the murder. Apollo! How many times is that Mr Wright's beaten Mr Edgeworth now?"

"I believe that puts him at 6? Maya, Samurai case, Lana, you, Ellen and now this one."

Ema looked at me, "How did you know that?"

"We all have a joint notebook that we write cases in; which on of us was the lead defence, date, murder weapon/cause of death, defendant, prosecutor, witness, arrest."

"Wow! I want to see!" she shouted jumping up and down. You know sometimes I find it hard to believe this girl is 23. She acts like Trucy. I walked to the draw where it was kept and took it out before sitting on the sofa and motioning for Ema to come and sit with me. She sat next to me and I dragged her onto my lap, opening the notebook. "Now which on to show you? Oh I know, one of my personal favourites," I said turning to the page.

"Time Of Incident: 8:15pm 20th March

Victim: Juan Corrida

Cause Of Death: Strangled by scarf (Believed stabbed due to knife in chest)

Lead Defence: Phoenix Wright

Defence Co-Counsel: Pearl Fey (Channeling Mia)

Defendant: Matt Engarde

Prosecutor: Miles Edgeworth

Perpetrator: Shelley De Killer (Hired by Engarde)

Verdict: Defendant pled 'Guilty'"

"Mr Wright had quite a hard time with that case. I remember him telling me."

"What do you mean (Y/n)?"

"De Killer kidnapped Maya, saying that he's kill her if Mr Wright didn't get Engarde off scot free."

"WHAT!? Poor Maya."

"Yeah, that wasn't a good case. Edgeworth wasn't supposed to prosecute the case, it was supposed to be Ms Von Karma, but De Killer had her shot in the shoulder by a sniper before she could get to court, Gumshoe got in a car accident, Mr Wright nearly had to set a guilty man free to save Maya, Maya nearly starved to death."

"Come, on. Let's do something fun to take our mind off this case."


"Wait! Both of you?! You're pulling my leg!"

"No, we're not."

"In that case, I'm sorry Ema but I have to go Lana. I don't care about age gaps. Again sorry Ema, I just don't feel the same."

"It's fine! I never really liked you anyway. I just said that to get Lana to confess to you!" She replied bouncing up and down before pushing me into her sister, the two of us falling on the floor. I flushed red at the lack of space between us and grabbed her collar lifting her up to kiss her. She wrapped her arms round my waist and mine let go of her collar to wrap round her neck.

"What in the world!?"

We broke off to see that Athena, Trucy and Apollo had just come through the door. Apollo had cover Trucy's eyes to stop her from seeing. He coughed and motioned for us to stand up which we did and Apollo removed his hand from blocking Trucy's view. Ema walked over to him, Your plan worked Apollo."

"What?! What 'plan'? What is she talking about Polly?" Trucy asked.

"That's a question that will be answered when you're older Trucy," he replied.

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