Little Do You Know (Edgeworth x Depressed! Reader)

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Requested By: DashingStar17
Timing: Dual Destinies (No spoilers though)
Song: Little do you know by Alex & Sierra


I had been very close to my parents as a child, however, when I was ten, both me and my father got into a car accident. I survived with a dislocated arm and scratches all over my body but my father lost his life... A few years later, when I was thirteen, my mother decided to remarry so I would have a father figure in my life. Bad decision if you ask me, as the man she chose to marry, kept getting into fights and spent a lot of money playing poker. One day we found out he'd spent it all... I, being the now sixteen-year-old I was, left home, leaving a note on the kitchen table explaining why I'd left. I went to my aunt's house and told her what happened. Thankfully she was very caring and offered to look after me. I was grateful for this as I didn't have a job yet and wouldn't have been able to get my own house. I decided to study law at university and at the age of 20 I became a prosecutor. My aunt was proud of me and I was happy about that, I'd done everything I could to make her proud. My first day on the job I bumped into someone... Someone who I didn't know at the time would end up being my boyfriend a few months later.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you. It's just it's my first day here and I was lost. I'm sorry," I apologised looking down. I looked up when he spoke. Oh shit, love at first sight, is real...

"It's perfectly alright, Miss. First of all, welcome. Secondly, my name is Miles Edgeworth, you'll need a friend here, and thirdly what's your office number? I'll take you there."

I took out the little card I'd been given and handed it to him.

"Well, Miss (L/n), it seems we'll be office neighbours. Follow me and I'll take you up." 

"Thank you, Mr Edgeworth. As I said before it's my first day."

"Well, it's a good thing you bumped into me then, isn't it? I'm glad it wasn't Franziska you bumped into, if it was, you probably would have had a whip to the face."

"She carries a whip around with her?" I asked gulping.

"Yes. She also uses it in the courtroom to whip her own witnesses and the defence. I'll tell you Wright's been on the wrong end of that whip many times. Even being whipped unconscious once after defeating her in a case."

"Note to self: Do not get on Franziska's bad side," I whispered to myself, "Is there any other prosecutors that could physically harm me?"

"Not that I'm aware of. Or that you will actually bump into. The only other one I can think of is Blackquill, but you won't be bumping into him."

"Why would that be?" I asked.

"Because he's a convict. He was found guilty in an incident."


"That's what brought in this 'Dark Age Of the Law'. People have stopped trusting the court system and defence attorneys have been suspected of forging evidence."

I hadn't realised but by the time he'd finished talking to me about the other prosecutors, we'd arrived.

"Here you go."

"Thank you, Mr Edgeworth. It's good to know someone here."

"My pleasure," he replied bowing. Such a gentleman. 


Time passed and my crush on him grew and grew. It was after I'd won my fifth case that I finally mustered up the courage to tell him. I knocked on the door to his office, "Mr Edgeworth, can I talk to you please?"

"Come in, (Y/n)."

I entered and closed the door behind me, "I-I have something to confess to you," I spoke looking down at the floor and gulping slightly.

"On you go then, (Y/n)."

"I-I have a massive crush on you," I whispered.

"(Y/n), could you repeat that, please? I didn't hear you," he replied walking up to me.

"I-I-" I was cut off when I felt him lift my chin up, "You're so cute when you're nervous."

"W-wh-" again, I was cut off, but this time by him leaning in and kissing me. My face went bright red but I melted into it, bringing my hands up to wrap around his neck. I soon felt his wrap around my waist.

---------PRESENT DAY

I was sitting at my desk looking over an old case file when there was a knock on the door, "Come in," I spoke. The visitor entered, "Miss (L/n), there's a new case for you, ma'am!"

"Thank you, Gumshoe," I replied taking the file from him. He saluted and then ran out. I giggled to myself before sitting back at my desk to read the file. I gasped when I saw the name of the victim... My mother... It was at that moment that I decided I would make sure that her killer was put in jail. I put the file in my bag and left my office ready to investigate. I popped in to see Miles, just to tell him where I was going.

"Miles, I'm just going to investigate."

"Ok, thank you for telling me, (Y/n). If I didn't know where you were and I went into your office to see you not there, then I'd probably start panicking."

"I know, that's why I came to tell you. Love you," I spoke kissing him.

"I love you too, (Y/n)."

I walked back out and to the crime scene; My old house. I investigated for a while which turned into a few hours, which turned into the rest of the day. When it started to get dark, I called it a day and went back to the house I shared with Miles. I walked into him not sitting where I expected him to be. I expected him to be on the sofa, working but he wasn't. I walked into the bedroom to see him lying asleep. At least you're getting rest. I then noticed the time; 10pm. I got changed before hopping in beside him and snuggling up to him, "I love you," I whispered.


I woke up from a nightmare and looked at the time; 1am. I started silently sobbing to myself in order not to wake Miles up. I then started singing to myself to try and calm down, 

"Little do you know
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep
Little do you know
I'm still haunted by the memories
Little do you know
I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece
Little do you know
I need a little more time
Underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside
I've been holding back
For the fear that you might change your mind
I'm ready to forgive you, but forgetting is a harder fight
Little do you know
I need a little more time

I'll wait, I'll wait
I love you like you've never felt the pain, I'll wait
I promise, you don't have to be afraid, I'll wait
Love is here, and here to stay
So lay your head on me
Little do you know
I know you're hurt while I'm sound asleep
Little do you know
All my mistakes are slowly drowning me
Little do you know
I'm trying to make it better piece by piece
Little do you know
I, I love you 'til the sun dies." I was crying harder by this point.


I was woken up by soft singing and crying. I looked to my left to see (Y/n) sitting up, crying and singing to herself, "I'll wait, just wait, I love you like I've never felt the pain, just wait. I love you like I've never been afraid, just wait."

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" I asked. She turned around when I spoke, "Miles! Did I wake you? I'm sorry-"

I cut her off, "(Y/n), you're more important to me than sleep. Please tell me what's wrong." She lay back down and snuggled into me, "I-I had a nightmare."


"About m-my parents."

"Shh, don't worry, I'm here for you. I know what's it's like, (Y/n). It will all get better trust me. You're okay, shh." I kept whispering sweet nothings to her until she fell asleep, the last words she spoke being, "I love you, Miles."

I smiled and replied, "I love you too, (Y/n)," before falling back asleep myself.

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