A Coffee Shop Visit (Godot x Phoenix's Sister! Reader)

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I want to clarify that the reader is OLDER than Phoenix (Age 30) to avoid any major age gaps.

Warnings: Literally one swear word

Time: Set before the Trilogy - Turnabout Beginnings has happened but, Turnabout Memories has not. Poisoning has happened.

Changes: Armando/Godot wakes up before the Trilogy has happened. He also prosecutes Turnabout Memories instead of Payne (Because no one likes the tutorial prosecutor.)

Title: BxngtanSky


I was staring out the window just thinking when I saw a hand waving in front of my face. I snapped out my daze and finally noticed the person that had been trying to get my attention.

"(Y/n), did you hear any of what I just said?"

"Sorry, Mia, I was day-dreaming."

"Ohhh, what about?"

"Nick, I can't help but think that something bad is going to happen, and it's going to have something to do with Dahlia. I want to tell him to stay away from her, to keep himself safe but if I do and he doesn't listen and something bad does happen, it will break his heart. He's head over heels for the girl."

"I'm sorry I can't help you with that one. I was trying to tell you for the past ten minutes that your client is here to see you."

"Ok, thanks Mia," I said walking into the defendant lobby. I was surprised with who it was, "Nick! What the hell happened this time?!"

"(Y/n)! You're defending me?!"

"Yes, Mr Grossberg let me take the case last minute. Can you please tell me what happened?"

"Ok so..." He told me what happened and I believed him, not just because he was my client but because he was my younger brother.

"Nick, you'll be fine. Just calm down and stop coughing please."

"Ok, I know you'll get me out of this."

"Now, Nick, I want you to hear this. You might not like what is going to go down in the courtroom today but trust me, it will all work out in the end, ok?"

"Ok!" he replied hugging me.

"Miss Wright, the trial's starting, can you and the defendant please make your way to the courtroom please."

We walked into the courtroom, me and Mia going to the defence bench and Nick going to the defendant chair.

"Court is now in session for the trial of Phoenix Wright. Are the defence and prosecution ready?"

"The defence is perfectly prepared to prove it's client's innocence, Your Honour."

"Blacker than the dark with no moon, that is coffee. The prosecution is ready, Your Honour."

"Miss Wright, is there a connection between you and the defendant?"

"Yes, Your Honour, he's my," I paused to pinch the bridge of my nose, "younger brother. Please may we continue the trial now?"


"Thank you! (Y/n)!" He started a coughing fit again before coming up to hug me.

"Nick, the hugs can wait until you're better, I don't want you getting me sick," I replied putting my hand out to stop him coming closer, "Take this," I said taking a bottle of cold medicine out of my pocket and holding it out to him. He was sceptical to take it, "Nick, it's not poisoned. Why would I want to poison you anyway?"

He took it out my hand, "Thank you! I lost my bottle of this!"

"Miss Wright, may I speak to you?" We heard from behind us. I turned round to see the prosecutor from the trial.

"Yes, you can Godot, what do you need?" I asked.

"I was wondering whether you would want to accompany me to my favourite coffee shop?"

"I would love to! When?"

"Are you doing anything right now?"

"Nope! Now that the trial's finished, I have all the time in the world, until I get another case."

"Well in that case, let's go," he spoke taking my arm and leading me out the courthouse. I turned round just in time to see both Mia and Nick making kissy faces. I glared at them and gave the two of them the middle finger mouthing 'fuck you' to them.


"I had a nice time with you today, thank you for inviting me to come with you," I said after Godot had dropped me off at the house I shared with Nick.

"My pleasure, Miss Wright. I'm glad you enjoyed it, most people think that I'm a freak because of my visor and the fact I can't see red."

"I don't look for the bad things in people I look for the good, and I believe you are a very nice person and I would love to go out with you again, if you want to that is," I spoke saying the last bit really fast feeling my face heat up.

"It would be a pleasure."

I smiled and leaned up to peck him on the cheek, "Good night." I then ran inside the house feeling my face go even redder than it already was.

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