Secret From Friends (Edgeworth x Princess! Reader)

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They're fun because you don't want to tell anyone because then it wouldn't be a secret but you do want to tell someone so you can feel like it's not only you that knows the secret so you can blame it on them if it gets spilt. The reason why I'm saying this is because I have a secret. One that not even my closest friends know. I could never tell them because then they'd stick with me because I was a princess.

"Hey, (Y/n)! What'cha doing?"

"Oh, hey Miles. I was just thinking."

"You were talking to yourself."

"Sorry, I do that sometimes. How are you doing?"

"Fi-" he was cut off. "Larry get back here!" Nick.

"Nicky! Why are you chasing me?!"

"Because you have my phone! Give it back!"

I eventually had, had enough, "Larry! Give Nick his phone back, now!"

"Fine. Here," Larry said , handing Nick his phone back.

We talked some more before I had to get back to the castle. My father would kill me if he found out that I was down in the city with the quote on quote 'Commoners'. I ran back and managed to get back to my room just as my father came in, "(Y/n), where have you been all day?!"

"I was out for a walk, father. I need exercise rather than being cooped up all day like you think I should be."

"(Y/n), I want to protect you. You and your sister are all I have left after your mother..." he trailed off.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you bring it up."

"It's ok."

"No it's not. It's my fault mother is dead. If I hadn't been born then she'd still be alive now," I replied sitting on my bed, "I should never have been born."

"(Y/n), you know that's not true."

"Yes it is!"

"I'll leave you to cool off a bit," he said leaving the room. I curled up on my bed and cried myself to sleep.


The next day I snuck out again to play with my friends. This time we decided to play hide and seek. I didn't realise that we had somehow moved closer to the castle whilst playing. I had just found them all and we were lying on the ground when my father appeared in front of us, "(Y/n), what are you doing?!"

"Playing with my friends what does it look like, father?"

"Wait, 'father'?" Miles asked.

"Yes, I'm a princess. I didn't tell you because I thought you'd just take advantage of me."

"(Y/n), we would never do that!"

"(Y/n), go to your room now!"

"No, father! I'm sick of you controlling my life! If I want to be friends with them then I will!"

"You do realise that you're making your case worse (Y/n). The more you defend these peasants the more likely I am to have you killed as well!"

"Fine kill me! I don't care! If I have to live without the three people that actually care about me then I don't want to live at all! And they're not 'Peasants' they're my friends and you will not speak to them like that!"

"If that's how you want to play it, (Y/n), I'll let you choose their execution date." I was shocked by it, "No father! I will not! They're innocent, they've done nothing wrong! I refuse to put innocent people to death! I wouldn't be surprised to learn that in an alternate universe you were a prosecutor who would do anything for a 'guilty' verdict even forging evidence or even go as far as murdering a defence attorney who put a single penalty on your record! And you know another thing? I love them and one of them more than a friend! I don't care what you think but it won't stop me from doing this," I shouted walking up to the three boys before kissing Miles. I let him go to see Nick and Larry with smirks on their faces, Miles bright red and my father also bright red but with rage.

"(Y/n) how could you? Kissing a commoner! You are a princess and heir to the throne!"

"Well I can choose who I want to love, you can't control me forever!"


A few weeks later, my father told me he had arranged for the king of the neighbouring kingdom to come and bring his son, the prince, to meet me and force us to marry to seal the bond between the two kingdoms. I was annoyed at this, why can't I choose my own husband? as well as nervous, what if's he's controlling as well? But nothing prepared me for who the boy was the walked through the castle door, "Miles?!"

"(Y/n)? You're the princess my dad is making me marry?"

"And you're a prince? You never told us that!"

"At least we'll be able to tell our father's that we want to do this now."

"Yeah, I've had a crush on you for a while, I just didn't say anything because I knew that when I turned eighteen, my father would marry me off to a princess, meaning I couldn't be with you."

I just grabbed his collar, pulling him into me, and kissing him. I soon felt his arms wrap round my waist and I placed my round his neck, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Well it seems you two have made friends already."

We broke of red as tomatoes both our father chuckling, "Don't worry, (Y/n), I knew the minute I saw him he was the prince I'd arranged for you to marry. I just said those things to keep up the act of him pretending to be a commoner."

"It's ok, father," I replied.

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