Chapter 3

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Eden & Elain

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Eden & Elain


Ela: When will you leave?

Everyone turned to her.

Ed: Well, that is very polite.

Ela: It has nothing to do with my manners, it is no secret that I am not pleased with your presence. We are forever thankful for saving her, we cared for your wounds, we did our part. Do not judge me for treating you as the strangers you are.

Dei: Elain that's...

Dr: ...on point. Elain, I understand your feelings, you don't know anything about us and we don't about you either. Yet we trusted you.

Elain let out a short cold laugh.

Ela: You are far from being a weak harmless dog, you cannot possibly consider us a threat. You, on the other side...

Dei: You are more powerful...

Ela: There are questions that need answers if you want to stay even one more day. You cannot blame us, after all, you are two strangers.

Ed: Imposing conditions now?

Ela: Our house, our rules. Take it or leave it.

Ed: What do you want to know, then?

Ela: Who you are, why you are here, where you are going, why; everything.

Ed: So now you do want to know my name.

Elain was close to rolling her eyes, but she just turned her look to Darion. For some reason, he seemed to be the reasonable one.

Dr: You already know our names. I am Darion and he is Eden.

Ela: Darion who? Eden who? Don't you belong to a family?

Dr: We come from the noble family of Alaric.

Ela: It is unfamiliar to us, you are not from around these parts then. Why are you here? Why were you in the forest at that time?

Ed: Family matters.

Dr: We fled to save our own lives and start anew somewhere else.

Dei: Why? What have you done?

Dr: We were framed, charged with treason of our house.

Dei: Why would they do that?

Ed: Let us say we were not the favourites among the seven heirs.

Dei: So you are related.

Dr: Step brothers. Our mothers were the Lord's mistresses.

Dei: Then why here? Why were you in the woods?

Dr: You can call it fate. We had to lose our tracks and our horses were tired. When we were taking a rest, we heard your voices and we hurried in that direction without thinking that our horses would flee.

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