Chapter 69

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Darion rushed at Eden and grabbed him by the collar.

Dr: What have you done, you idiot?

Eden's eyes were still red, but he did not have the energy to talk back anymore. Ramisu, on the other hand, was still struggling to get up and launch at Eden one last time. With a swift move, Amel hit Ramisu, as he was just about to pierce Eden's heart with his claws.

Am: You went behind my rules, in my very own council room. You took the wrong step after I have warned you not to.

Dr: Amel, please don't try to reason with them. Ramisu has already shut off his feelings and Eden is being consumed by his bloodlust.

Am: You were right to rush back. I should have your heads for this betrayal.

Rm: The only traitor is him, who dared to claim Elain.

Dr: What?! You tried clamming her? What on earth were you thinking, Eden?!

Ed: Why would you have the right to do it and I wouldn't?!

Dr: Because the decision has already been taken, Eden. You cannot ruin a family for your bloodlust, no matter how strong it is!

Ed: She begged me to do it! She wants me! It is me, not you that she wants.

Darion and Amel both pulled the boys back, holding their hands at their back, as they both felt that their anger and claim was not over.

As: That was not Elain! Are you that blind?

Ed: It was her!

As: She was not being herself! She tricked you.

Am: Take Deianeira to her room, Alyssa. I will have someone watch over Elain.

Dr: I will handle him. Ramisu, you have to turn them on again. We cannot reason with you like this.

Rm: I will kill him. If it is not today, then tomorrow.

As: Elain's energy has faded away, Amel, she needs to rest as well.

Am: I told you to take Deianeira and go. I will deal with Elain myself.

Alyssa left the room with Deianeira in her arms, giving Amel a cold look.

Am: Ramisu, you will either pull yourself together or I will lock you in a cell.

Ramisu did not answer him, his deadly stare never leaving Eden, but it was very clear that Alyssa had almost drained him of energy.

Am: Go and clear your mind, but I am warning you, if I see one more fight in my house, I will not have mercy anymore. The claim is over. Nothing has changed, as nobody won.

Dr: I will take Eden to his room and make sure he stays there.

Amel put a hand on Darion's shoulder and only gave him a nod, leaving Darion to understand that he was grateful for his help. Darion and Eden left as well as Ramisu, leaving Amel alone with Elain.

Am: Guards!

The guards who had already gathered behind the door entered the room.

Am: Send a servant to bring me the weak vervain ropes.

'Yes, my Lord.'

Am: And after that we will have a discussion about your absence.

'Yes, my Lord....'

Amel approached Elain and lowered at her level. She was still passed out, as Deianeira had taken most of her energy. He caressed her face, afraid that he would one day lose the family he had tried so hard to protect. His first thought was to send Elain away and protect Alyssa and Deianeira, but, seeing how much Deianeira cared for her sister, enough to let herself get killed, he felt proud that the girls had such a strong bond. They could not be separated, his family shouldn't be separated, they would all have to face their problems together. Nobody was sending anyone away this time. When Ramisu came back to their room, close to sunrise, he found two guards at the door.

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