Chapter 26

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A servant opened the door and one of Lyserg's messagers stepped inside, panic written all over his face.

Msg: Master Ramisu! Where is Master Ramisu? I need to speak to him!

His voice sent shivers down Elain's back. They all got up from the table and hurried to the entrance.

Rm: What is this commotion about? What happened?

Msg: It is Master Lyserg, my Lord.

Rm: What about him?

Msg: He disappeared.

Ela: What do you mean he disappeared?! Where is Deianeira?

Msg: She is gone as well, my Lady. My Masters forbid me from giving details, but please, you must help us find them.

Ela: What do you mean you cannot give us details? Tell us what happened already!

Dr: When is the last time you saw them?

The messenger told them how Lyserg disappeared and Mikael and Eva followed him through the tunnels under the mansion and, seeing that they did not return for almost a day, they decided to follow them and they found them passed out, not remembering what had happened. It had been two days since Lyserg's runaway.

Rm: Lyserg must have erased their memories.

Dr: And you said there was nothing wrong? How did you allow this to happen?!

Ela: What are these tunnels? Do you need where they lead to? We must follow them. Who knows what Lyserg might do to her?!

Ramisu did his best not to let anger take the best of him. He hated it how Lyserg's name was mostly spoken with hate, he knew he must have had his reasons to run away, most certainly to save Deianeira; he just hated it how nobody else understood him. But he took a deep breath and kept his calm tone.

Rm: Lyserg must have had his reasons. He can't harm her. He must have protected her from something.

Dr: Hell of a protection! Don't you see how serious this is?

But what was now important was to find them and arguing over whether Lyserg was the good or the bad guy was of no importance to him, so Ramisu turned to the messenger.

Rm: Go back to your Masters and tell them I am coming and I will not search for Lyserg until they tell me the truth.

The messenger only took a deep bow and hurried back to his horse.

Ed: So, we are just going to waste more time?

Ela: What do you mean you won't search for him? You must find Deianeira! I will not stay here and wait.

Rm: Darion, you know where the tunnels lead to. Go with Eden through the forest and try to track them at the secret door. I am sure they are going to Serion.

Elain grabbed Ramisu's hand, reading his mind.

Ela: Don't leave me here. You know you can't leave me behind.

Rm: You know you cannot come with me. His parents cannot know about you.

Ela: Then I will go with them.

Rm: In this weather? Look at you. You are still unwell and outside is freezing cold.

Feeling he was not taking her seriously, she repeated through her clenched teeth.

Ela: I will not stay here when my sister is out here. You know how impulsive Lyserg is. You either take me with you or I will go with them. I won't stay here.

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