Chapter 84

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The next day the first thing Elain did was to rush at Deianeira to make sure everything was alright. Sisters fought, but they never stayed upset too long and this time it was not different. On the other side, Amel and Elain did not talk to each other for days. They did not fight anymore, they did not avoid each other, but they exchanged no more than a few words. Though Amel had not punished Elain in any way and his anger was long gone, he could not bring himself to tell her he was proud of her. Darion blamed him for his pride, but as soon as Amel came in person to Elain to order her to join the troops for the next fight, the past was left behind as if nothing had happened. He did not say the words, but it was enough for Elain to know he acknowledged her as a fighter and they would never have such discussions again.

Deianeira started her training with Arem right away, but slowly, as they were getting closer to Leon's fortress, Leon's army kept fighting back more and more. There were more and more fights and Darion and Deianeira had to separate more and more often. Darion, Ramisu, Eden and Elain left each time the battle called for them, while Deianeira stayed behind with the witches, feeding them with energy to hold the cloak over the camp and the men that stayed behind and, as soon as the troops returned, she would be side by side the witches, helping and healing those that needed it. It was a month of bloody battles, being victorious in many, but defeated in many others, losing countless men.

Dei: Let me look at it.

Ela: I will be fine.

Dei: You heal faster than anyone, if you came back from the battle with such a wound, it can be anything but fine.

Deianeira ignored Elain's protests and took her heavily bleeding shoulder between her hands and started healing her. It was the first time Elain came back with such a deep wound.

Ela: I cannot thank you enough, Terrion. You saved me back there.

Tr: You would have solved it yourself, I know that, but I couldn't stand back and watch.

Terrion, a tall vampire with spiky black hair and dark-brown eyes, was an experienced swordsman who seemed no older than in his mid-thirties, though he had by far more than that as a vampire. He kneeled in front of Elain, who was seating exhausted on the chair.

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