Chapter 105

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When Elain first opened her eyes, she found herself in the middle of a small white room. There were no doors, no windows and no ceiling. It was simply...white. She got up and took the details in. There were no walls, she was surrounded by what seemed to be mirrors. She did not see herself in them but glimpses of her memories. She wanted to shout, but she had no voice. All the mirrors showed Leon, but she could not recognize any of those images. Some showed him smiling at her, some him hugging her, some others teaching her how to hunt and, in one of them, she even saw herself wearing his coat of arms.

She wanted to cry, but she had no tears. She kept shouting at those images to stop, she kept telling herself none of them were true. But, then, some of them did start to seem familiar. She refused to believe it, but, at the same time, she felt like she did remember that smile, she did enjoy that embrace. There were times when she accepted everything and times when she denied it all, trying to break the mirrors with her fists, her powers ignoring her calls.

She was sitting with her back at one of the mirrors, hugging her knees, trying to look away from all those images, when she heard a very familiar voice calling her name. She got up and saw Deianeira in the mirror behind her. She wanted to touch it, but it disappeared right away. She sat down again, forcing herself to remember about that girl. She tried so much it almost hurt. But nothing came up.

The second time she saw Deianeira it was when she recognized the medallion at her neck. She knew it very well, she touched her own neck, searching for her own. When she did not find it, she tried again to break the mirror, desperate to take Deianeira's medallion. She had no idea why, but she knew she had to have it. But, once again, the image was replaced with Leon and she ended up looking at the same images all over again.


Not even one hour passed when Elain entered the room again; this time, she was alone.

Ln: What are you doing here? Does Leon know about you wandering around?

Ela: Yes.

She did not stop and went straight to the cage. Had Luna not stood in front of her, she would have opened the gate. Luna knew there was nothing wrong with the control, but Elain's actions still surprised her.

Ln: What do you think you're doing?

Ela: I will talk with her. Leon agreed.

It was the first time Deianeira heard Elain speaking so much. She could only hope she finally had the bit of free will she needed to wake her up.

Ln: Don't open the gate.

But Elain did not listen to her and, right after Luna stepped aside, she grabbed the gate, removed lock and opened it. Her skin burned but she did not even flinch.

Ln: Elain! What do you think you're doing?!

She wanted to grab Elain's arm, but it was too late. Elain entered the cage, grabbed Deianeira by the neck and threw her out. Luna stepped aside, not worried about the consequences; she could control Elain, but she was curious about what was going to happen. Elain grabbed Deianeira again be the neck, before she could get up.

Ela: Stop playing with my mind.

Her grip was not as strong as Amun's, giving Deianeira a chance to talk. It was not yet the time for her fire to awaken, but, being out of the cage for a couple of minutes did help her more than they thought.

Dei: What's wrong, sister? Is there something bothering you?

Elain hit Deianeira's back against the wall, still holding her. Her bright red eyes never leaved hers.

Ela: You are bothering me. You keep playing games and I'm sick of this. Give up already, stop giving my father a hard time.

Deianeira laughed. She already knew that speech. Luna watched them pleased. She had expected Elain to behave like a puppet for the whole time, not to think or talk, unless Leon commanded so. But it turned out that Leon's power on her also influenced her judgement and actually turned her on their side for good. And Deianeira could see that as well.

Dei: Then go ahead and kill me. At least it will be by your hand, swifter and faster.

Elain let go of her and Deianeira fell on her knees, still too weak to stand up by herself.

Ela: I will not kill you, we need you.

Dei: Not yet, at least.

Elain kneeled in front of her. She was so close to Deianeira and it made it even more difficult for Deianeira to put up the show. She only needed to stay far from that cage as long as possible.

Ela: Stop fighting, I promise you I will not let him hurt you.

Her voice had turned softer.

Ela: If you are my sister, you will trust me. We will rule together, he will do me this favour, he is not the monster you think he is.

Deianeira almost felt nauseous hearing Elain talking like that about the man she knew very well how much Elain actually hated.

Dei: My fate has already been sealed. I refuse your offer, sister.

Elain growled in anger and used her wind to push Deianeira through the room back in the cage. Deianeira hit the bars with the back of her head. She felt blood dripping on her back and saw Luna closing the gate. She starred at Elain, horrified by how much Elain resembled Leon at that moment. Without looking back, Elain arranged her new cape and left the room, leaving a crushed Deianeira screaming at the bars.

Amn: So much noise. I can't hear my thoughts.

Dei: Elain! Come back! Elain!

Tears had started forming in her eyes, when a sudden slap sent her flying to the ground. Before she could wake up, the cage was opened and Amun picked Deianeira up by her hair.

Amn: Shut up, already! I am already in a bad mood. Do you want me to destroy you?

Amun was ignoring the weakness caused by the silver cage. Deianeira was looking straight at him as tears were falling from her eyes. He pressed his lips against hers brutally, gnawing his fangs in her lower lip, taking in her blood. Her venom was still very strong and he understood that he still had to wait until she would be under Leon's control to be complete harmless. Her blood screamed for Darion. Amun pulled away, leaving Deianeira to bleed, as he pinned her back against the bars. Luna went in the cage as well, grabbing Amun by the hand.

Ln: I know what you want with her, but you will have to wait until Leon will give her to you. I think it is better for you to leave. You cannot stay calm around her.

Amn: But I am calm, witch. I have all the control in the world. I want Darion to feel her pain I felt when Damaris died. I want her to grieve Darion until her last breath after I will cut his head off.

Amun was talking between his teeth. He then bit her neck again and he spit out the venom. Enraged, he hit her head strong against the bars, as Luna managed to pull him out of there.

Ln: Go, before Leon will find out.

Deianeira spit next to her.

Dei: Darion will kill you for this.

Amun left the room and Luna locked the cage.

Ln: Listen, little priestess, as much as you want to act all mighty, you will soon fall under my control. If I were you, I would get it over with. It is just a slight pain and, puff, you will be gone. It's been two days, you've fought enough.

Dei: You don't understand. None of you does. As long as I can reach out to my sister to save her, I will not betray my family.

Ln: Elain will never return. But I do give you credit for rescuing her at the castle. Your aura was so annoying, your healing powers ruined my control. But she is next to Leon now. It is impossible to break the seal now, even for you. Do yourself a favour and stop it, it is useless. 

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