Chapter 115

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Lyserg & Deianeira

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Lyserg & Deianeira

Lyserg & Deianeira

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Elain and Deianeira nodded in approval, Alyssa's words giving them courage and faith. Using the wings turned out to be easier than expected, as if they had always had them. They all flew when Astaroth sent his black flames to burn them. The angels were trying to chain his hands but Astaroth was punching left and right aimlessly. Deianeira and Alyssa threw balls of fire and energy into his chest while Elain shot a strong lightning into his heart. The angels were throwing spears and tried slicing his skin with their silver swords. They could not hold their position for too long as the demon was slicing with his claws left and right. Rays of light fell on him as the angels were trying desperately to make him fall in order to chain him and send him to hell.

Astaroth went after Deianeira when Elain threw the lightning into his hand, distracting him. Alyssa threw a massive fireball in his back of the head, tracing a deep mark down his spine. But that was not enough to stop him. He spit fire behind him, making Alyssa change her flying direction on time, barely escaping his flames. It seemed that no matter what they did, he was stronger than them. As the girls got closer to his heart, they covered their ears from the cries of agony coming from it. The sacrificed souls were shouting in agony, trapped inside this monster, unable to find their peace. Deianeira and Elain aimed at the same time making the demon growl in anger. He grabbed some angels by the wings and burnt their wings and their body, sending them to the ground. The rays fell on his face, making him cover his eyes as he kicked the ground, creating a breeze of sand and ashes which was thrown at the souls below him.

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