Chapter 6

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Darion checked for her pulse and then caressed her face slowly with his long fingers.

Dr: You pushed your limits. Healers regain their energy only so hard, I told you to be careful...

He looked at Elain and, though not yet awake, her breath was even now, she no longer seemed to be in pain, so he put her on one shoulder, Deianeira on the other one and he raced back home. On the road he could only think about what needed to be done for Deianeira,  fearing she would not be able to come back by herself and the fact that there were not many of those who were able to help her unsettled him even more. Upon hearing the door, Eden came out of his room, alarmed by the strong smell of blood.

Ed: What have you done?

Dr: I saved their lives. They were about to get kidnapped by mercenaries.

Ed: Will they be alright?

Dr: Deianeira used all of her energy to heal her, she is safe, but I don't know about Deianeira.

Ed: And where were you this whole time? We were supposed not to let them go alone without us!

Dr: It is my fault, I had to go hunting for tonight since we had no food, but it was only for a few minutes and I told them to stick in one place. It all happened too fast. They did not listen...they went to save a girl by themselves.

Ed: Typically. If Deianeira will not wake up, we will be in great trouble.

Dr: Is this the only thing on your mind? The plan?

Ed: What is this about?

Dr: Never mind. Just let them rest, I need to feed.

Darion left the house, leaving Eden confused and unhappy with his answers. He had to put him in his place.

Ed: So much for being polite...

He sighed and brushed his blonde hair with his right hand. He wanted to go check on the girls, but, for a second, he hesitated. Maybe he was starting to get too involved for his own liking. But he had to follow orders, it was only about the plan. Yes. He grabbed the door knob and pulled swiftly. Elain was still lying next to Deianeira fast asleep and seeing her blouse soaked in blood, he felt the urge to wake her up, to make sure she was alright and he kept telling himself that he was just sticking to the plan; but he wouldn't wake her up. Instead, he chose a different approach, he went around the bed and gently grabbed her face between his palms, pressing his forehead to hers.

Ed: Just a quick glance...

As soon as he said the words, he left their world. In the woods, he was startled by the screams coming from a meadow. He saw Elain lying on the ground with Deianeira and Darion next to her. The smell of blood was like fire in his veins.

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