Chapter 28

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'Quiet, vampires. I am your worst nightmare and you cannot get rid of me so easily. I've been following you for days, you damned creature, I had to change clothes and go through water and mud to cover my scent, but it was all worth it, for now I have not one, but two vampires at my mercy.'

The village they had left behind was one of the few in the mountains and, being covered from both sides by the shade of the peaks, there was only one way to go from there - through the forest. The hunter was faster than them and had enough time to prepare the traps, being ready to catch them at any time.

Dei: Release them right now!

'You are protecting them? I heard your little argument, it did not seem like they were on your side.'

The vampire hunter approached Deianeira.

Lsg: Don't touch her!

'I am sure you felt I am one of your kind, in the same way I felt it. You are protecting the wrong side, my dear.'

Dei: Who I protect is none of your business. Now release them, or else you will regret it. It is my last warning.

'Pity. Our kind is so rare, it is a pity to fight ourselves, but, if you choose death, so be it.'

Elain and the boys had been running for eight hours straight, being midday now. She was indeed faster than them, but only on short distances and she started to feel tired, but she wouldn't tell the boys to stop; Darion had felt Lyserg closer and started running faster.

Ed: Darion, slow down a little. Elain cannot keep up with us at this rate.

Dr: I feel her close. After all this time, I can still find her so easily.

They slowed down enough for Elain to catch up to them and regain her strength, helped by Eden who gave her some fresh blood from the bottle and held her head, as she was drinking very fast. From above, a familiar face jumped in one knee in front of them. All of them had felt Ramisu gaining on them, but they did not afford any breaks, not when they were so close.

Dr: I was wondering when you would show up. We have almost gained up on them.

Rm: Everything is clear at his mansion. His parents don't know anything about Deianeira. I made sure of it. You left before they could feel you and Lyserg erased the memories of them having felt you when you arrived.

He walked up to Elain and kissed her hand on which she was wearing the bracelet.

Rm: So, you found it. I am sorry for not being able to give it to you personally, but I figured you might eventually find it one way or another.

She hugged him tight and let out a breath of relief. She had not realized how tense she was before seeing him close to her again.

Rm: I feel them as well.

But her smile faded away as she felt her heart being clenched by an imaginary claw. Ramisu grabbed her by the shoulders when she gasped for air, her blood started boiling and he felt her pain. Though it still hurt, she could not stop smiling.

Ela: It's Dei. Ramisu, I can finally feel her!

Dr: How is she? Is he alright? Please...tell me.

Ela: She is well, but she seems very anxious. There is something going on.

Ed: We can feel them, so that means they can feel us too. Lyserg must be getting very desperate.

With that being said, Darion simply started running without looking back, his priority was now to get to her, with or without the others. Ramisu took Elain in his arms, so that they too could catch up to Darion's speed.

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