Chapter 65

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When Deianeira woke up later that night, she found Elain next to her with a sketchbook on her lap. After her vision cleared, she could see a reaching hand surrounded by roses with no bloomed flower, but only thorns.

Dei: How comes you started doing this again now?

Elain did not stop drawing, but answered in a low voice.

Ela: I didn't know what else to do when I woke up. It calms me down.

Dei: What does it represent?

Ela: Nothing. It is only what my hand drew by itself.

She put the feather back in the inkpot and put the notebook down next to the bed. She faced Deianeira.

Ela: I'm sorry. I know it doesn't change anything but...

Dei: How are you feeling?

Ela: Myself. Everything is quiet now. Are you alright?

Dei: A bit tired.

Ela: You slept for quite a while. Maybe you need to feed. There is something you must do for me.

Dei: What do you need?

Elain took her sister's hand.

Ela: I want you to stop doing that. Whatever you do to my aura, it also affects yours. Stop it.

Dei: You know I can't do that, no matter how tired I am.

Ela: Dei, if anything happens to you I...I don't know what I will do. If you do care about me, you have to stop it. I can fight him.

Dei: Fine, then I will stop.

Ela: I will know if you won't.

Dei: What do you mean?

Ela: I saw everything this time.

Deianeira looked at her surprised.

Dei: You saw what?

Ela: Everything. After Eden was pushed out of the dream, I remained there fighting Leon. When I...I mean when he woke up, I could see everything he did and said. I couldn't stop him, I'm sorry, I kept trying, but the wind got out of my control. When I saw you so close to him, I managed to push him out. He must have been weakened after breaking my shields...

Deianeira hugged her, not sure if any words could bring any comfort.

Ela: I will clean my energy, I will focus more, I will tell you immediately if I feel him close. I will fight him with all I have, but please stop trying to absorb my aura. Both you and Alyssa must stop. If somehow this dark aura will drown yours...

Dei: My bloodstone will help me.

Ela: You don't even have it, don't lie to me. I am sure you've already used it on me and it is affected too.

Dei: Then open up the bond.

Ela: No, that is out of the question.

Dei: Then how am I supposed to help you?!

Ela: Staying alive! I drank from Eden, Leon will be more powerful when he will return. What if he can get to you or Ramisu through the bonds? No, that is not an option. I will not release any of my shields. They also take from his energy when fighting to crash them. It is also how I know he is about to take control.

Alysa entered the room in a rush.

As: We will not abandon you.

Ela: Alyssa?

As: I heard only half of what you said, but I can guess what you meant. We will not let you fight this alone.

She put two stones in Elain's hand and she could feel the healing energy radiating out of them.

Ela: But it is my fight. These stones are all I need. Please. I won't be able to focus on this if I know you are in danger.

Alyssa and Deianeira looked at each other and they knew they were thinking about the same thing.

Ela: Please.

As: We will not absorb your aura anymore.

Elain showed them a relieved smile.

As: But you will have to stay in bed, not move an inch, and let the stones do their magic. The more anxious you are, the more difficult and slow the cleaning will get.

Ela: I will, I promise, I...

Alyssa's movement interrupted her, as she bent at the sketchbook lying on the floor.

As: Is this yours?

Ela: Yes, drawing helps me calm down.

As: This is beautiful. You are even better than I am.

Ela: draw?

As: Whenever I have the time or when I need to give my chain of thoughts a rest.

Dei: This is so much like her.

Elain gazed at Alyssa, her shy smile getting wider and wider. It was the first time she heard she had something in common with her mother. It was not any physical trace, but their talent and passion were just as strong. Alyssa brushed her hair behind her ears and then caressed the medallion at her neck.

As: The drawings inside your medallions are my dearest creations.

Deianeira and Elain looked at her in shock.

Dei: You drew these? I thought...

As: I asked her to tell you she drew them. It was simpler like that. I wanted you to always carry something from me and cherish it. Don't blame your foster parents for lying, it was my request.

Deianeira put her hand over Alyssa's.

Dei: We will never blame them.

Ela: We did cherish them. We still do and always will.

As: This relieves my heart so much. We will talk about this again soon, but now you need to rest, my Elain. Come, Dei, your sister needs silence.

Dei: Call us right away if you feel something.

Ela: I will. Go and rest too. And...thank you.

Both Alyssa and Deianeira went to Deianeira's room and Alyssa's smile had faded.

As: How long have you been in there?

Dei: I lost the count of hours. Maybe six hours. I fell into a deep sleep.

As: Show me the bloodstone.

Deianeira pulled it out from a pocket of her dress. The bloodstone was pitch black.

As: Dei, you are still losing your energy and your aura is even more cracked, even the bloodstone cracked more. This darkness will consume you if your aura is not strong enough.

Dei: I need more bottles. I need to feed more.

Alyssa put a hand on Deianeira's shoulder and she felt the energy moving from Alyssa to her and it calmed her so much. Deianeira felt sick after staying with Elain, as the black aura had also started feeding on her energy. She could only imagine how painful it had to be for Elain, the black magic affecting her twice as more.

As: You feel sick.

Deianeira coughed blood and leaned with a hand on the wall, trying to gasp for air.

As: Don't leave this room until tomorrow. I will send Darion to check up on you later.

Dei: What is happening to me?

As: Her aura poisons yours. Since yours is already cracked, it is easier for Elain to feed off it.

Dei: But how can you control it? You absorb it too.

As: I have years of experience as a vampire and I can decide the quantity and the pace of absorbing, but you are still young and you are making yourself sicker with every hour spent in there. You have the tendency of absorbing more because you are not a vampire of energy. I will watch over her this night, alright? And don't be stubborn li...

Dei: Like my dad. I know. I will stay here.

As: Rest, Deianeira. I will send Darion with the bottles.

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