Chapter 107

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After everyone failed in talking Amel out of it, Ramisu, Darion, Eden, Malior, Caleb and all their men, all led by Amel, took the highest risk they could take and turned their back to the open fight and headed to one the secret tunnels, which they knew very well how well it was guarded. Amel refused to even listen to his commanders, who tried to convince him not to lead that mission, not to throw himself in Leon's arms. He knew Leon expected him to do such a stupid mistake, but he still went on with it. His daughters were the main reason he started the war and he would not leave them behind. At the other extreme stood Ramisu and Darion, who saw, smelled and tasted only vengeance. They were very aware of the fact that Leon needed the girls and that, although they would suffer, they would stay alive till they arrived. Leon could not afford losing them. They did not think of any consequences, they showed no mercy, slicing necks and stabbing hearts. The few seconds Darion felt Deianeira reaching out for him gave him even more power to fight. But the lack of any sign from Elain drew Ramisu madder with each step, his desperation to reach her giving him strength.

But not too long after the fight at the tunnel started, Ramisu, Darion and Eden felt all powerless. They all stopped fighting, they all felt the same pain in their hearts and they all stood there in shock. Had it not been for Armand and Caleb protecting them, they would have been easily defeated. The witches who saw from afar what was happening understood right away the reason why the after-world had been in so much chaos. Ramisu faced his father once again, while Eden and Darion stood face to face with their parents. Their grasp on the swords weakened, they could not believe that their very own parents were up against them. To get to the girls was by far a more difficult mission than they had imagined and they were by no means ready.

Amd: Ramisu! Get a hold of yourself!

But Ramisu felt once again a weak, small, insignificant man that had to oppose his father. He could almost see himself in those filthy army clothes, trying to impress his father and failing again and again.

Amd: Ramisu! Elain is waiting!

Armand pushed Ramisu in front, as if to wake him up from that trance. Ramisu blinked those memories away and grabbed his sword tighter. Elain was his present, Elain was his future and the only past he wanted to remember. He kept telling himself that what he was facing was black magic, that the person in front of him was a puppet controlled by a witch. Though he had so much hate for his father, he hated even more the fact that someone was pulling the strings and playing with his father's soul like that. He kept shouting to himself those words over and over again, as he was running towards him, his sword ready.

Darion and Eden starred at each other for a few moments and then turned their eyes back to their families. They all looked as if nothing had ever happened to them, they looked the same way they remembered them. Though too much time had passed, their memories were still vivid.

Ed: This is black magic.

Dr: Yes.

Ed: Those are not our parents. It is only a trick.

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