Chapter 4

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Elain rushed back to the market with Eden following her, only to find the baskets destroyed and her sister nowhere to be seen.

Ed: She must have returned home?

She looked sadly at the broken bottles, all the memories of their hard work running through her mind. It took them a lot of time to gather the herbs and prepare them and yet the people did not appreciate their work. Sometimes, she felt a strong urge to kill the people who opposed them, but she would regain her calm soon afterwards. She missed their parents, the only ones that did not judge them, but they were gone, leaving them almost nothing besides their knowledge on herbs and hunt. Their mother would bring them to the forest and teach them about the types of plants and how to prepare the medicine and their father, a skilled hunter, would bring them along on his hunts, trying to teach them how to hold a sword or use the bow. Maybe what seemed a kid's game had indeed a real motive behind, as now they had no one else to protect them than each other.

Ela: She must have, she is not one to wander around.

Ed: Unlike someone else. I start to understand why Darion gets along with her.

Ela: Let us just get home. We need to talk.

Ed: More random questions? You should pay me for answering.

Her priorities clear, she just gave him a judging look and refrained from further comments. They hurried back home and found Deianeira and Darion on the porch, Darion holding her in his arms as she was still shaking.

Dr: Elain! Eden! Where have you been? You scared her sick.

Ela: I am sorry, I don't know what came over me. It will not happen again, I promise, Dei.

Dei: Why didn't you listen to me and let him be? I was so scared! More villagers were attracted by the commotion and I got scared, I grabbed what bottles we had left and rushed home.

Ela: I know, I should have listened to you, but I could not control my anger.

Dei: What changed then? You never lashed out at anyone like that. Where is your composure?

Unable to say anything else, Elain tried to swallow her guilt.

Ed: Composure? Just let her be. She is as reckless as me if she needs to.

Dei: What do you mean?

Ed: Let's just agree she carries a hard punch.

Already guessing what had happened between them, her smell still strong on Eden's skin, Darion simply looked in amazement at them and struggled to draw the attention away from that subject.

Dr: I guess it was a new experience for all of us. Can we just go back inside? She is still shacking like a leaf.

He tried looking in Deianeira's eyes, but they were fixed at the ground.

Dr: Elain is safe, why are you still shaking?

Dei: I am so angry I could not take revenge for myself, I just ran away. I am tired of being pushed around by these ignorants...I am more than a little girl...

Trying to shake those thoughts away, she put her right hand on his chest and leaned on him.

Dei: Thank you for your comfort. Everything will be alright now...I am just...a little feverish...that is all...

She put her head at his chest and tried listening for his heart, for that common heartbeat, that sweet melody which the heart plays...but she felt nothing. Succumbing to the fever, her knees gave in and she fell in his arms.

Dei: You are so cold...

Before she could hit the ground, Darion caught her in his arms and Elain rushed at her side and grabbed her hands into hers, feeling the worrisome heat. She could not touch her more than a few seconds and her worry could be felt both in her eyes and voice.

A Vampires Odyssey: His Heart and Life ForceWhere stories live. Discover now