Chapter 118

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Amira & Maya

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Amira & Maya


The girls turned around, toward the voice that had just spoke to them. They saw two girls, both with black long straight hair and green eyes, which seemed both kind and fierce at the same time. Deianeira and Elain had a very familiar feeling regarding the two strangers who, as they noticed, were very much alike.

Ela: Are you the...?

'Yes. We are Amira and Maya, the first priestesses.'

Elain and Deianeira remained silent, not sure how to react. They were curious, they wanted to know more, but they could not bring themselves to speak up. They grabbed each other's hands, as if to make sure what was happening was real.

Amr: You've made us so proud, truly living up to your priestess heritage.

Amira showed them a kind smile.

Ma: We knew the moment your essence left our waters that you would be able to change the faith that had been granted to this rotten world.

Amr: However, the fight is long over and you have been dwelling long enough here. It is time for you to go back to your lives.

Elain and Deianeira were still trying to snap out of it and their ancestors felt their astonishment. Amira and Maya looked at each other and took a few steps towards the girls and reached for their hands smiling. Elain and Deianeira grabbed their hands, finally starting to pluck up the courage to talk to them, understanding that the priestesses were not here to warn them of any danger, but to possibly send them back to their own world with their last encouraging words.

Dei: Can we go home?

Maya nodded.

Ma: Yes, we are here to help you get back.

Elain and Deianeira felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted and smiled.

Amr: But we are here for something else as well. You need to know something.

The girls smile faded away, expecting the worst to come.

Amr: You are the last of our kind, therefore we have all agreed to make an exception in your current situation. It is up to you if you embrace the idea fully or not.

Ma: But you have to keep in mind that you still have a duty to your kin. Our line cannot die here, not with you. The world still needs priestesses, even the ones that originate from vampire side.

Ela: What do you mean?

Amr: The only way for our line to survive is through your heirs. You are vampires, you should not be able to do that anymore.

Ma: But you are also priestesses. Therefore, from the moment you go back there will be changes not only to your powers, but also in your blood.

Amr: Your priestess powers will be enhanced from now on. Your healing, your connection to nature will surpass the boundaries that you now know. You will be resilient to witch control and a shield made of your aura will protect you from negative energy and influences. This is due to your long sleep in here.

Ma: But we need to keep the Heart and the Life Force in check because this much power can easily twist minds and turn friends into enemies. We cannot afford losing one of you over such trivial matters.

Amr: Once every super blood wolf moon your blood will lose its vampire properties and you will revert not to your dhampir state, but you will become humans. The only powers you will have are only the priestess ones: healing, energy, aura cleansing and resisting constrain.

The girls looked at each other uncertain.

Ma: You will be able to procreate only that night. But beware of this weakness. If you die, you will not be able to be turned again into vampires. You have to ensure your protection and no one can know about this.

Ela: You said you have to keep the Heart and the Life Force in check. If we do this, will there be more Hearts and Life Forces in the same family?

Ma: I am glad you asked this question. To prevent family fallouts, none of you will get to have both. One will have the Heart, one will get the Life Force. When our line will be complete, you will no longer bear children.

Amr: This is what we have decided for you and for your return.

Dei: Will the children be dhampirs?

Amr: These is up to your genes. Depending on this, they will be born as dhampirs or as semi pure vampires.

Ela: Will we be able to reach out to you again?

Maya caressed the necklace around her neck and smiled.

Ma: We will always be watching over you and we will still be able to counsel you in time of need, but I am afraid none of us will be able to physically help you again. The traces we have left behind in the necklaces are not that strong anymore to bring us back.

Elain & Deianeira: Thank you. For everything.

Amr: For now, leave your worries behind and go back to your loved ones. They have been waiting for you for a long time and they need you.

Their voices seemed to come from far away, turning into echoes, and, slowly, into whispers.

Amr: Wake up, children.

Ma: Wake up.

At the castle, Alyssa was struggling to pay attention to Amel's words but the constant buzzing kept distracting her. She was aware that nobody else was hearing it, but she was also feeling the pressure of the energy that was slowly gathering around her. The council had been going on for two days straight. Most of the enemies' troops had been caught, Darion had checked on everyone once again and the new alliances forged after the war, were only completed in his presence. It was only a matter of time to officially proclaim Amel as king of the realm of vampires.

Alyssa read entirely the auras of Darion and Ramisu, who were facing each other at the table. When she read Ramisu, she felt that Ramisu's feelings were of calm, of hope and the happiness for getting his well-deserved rest. He was still sad that Elain had yet to return, but little Iannis was keeping him busy throughout the day, asking Ramisu to go with him outside to play hide and seek or to go to the marketplace to get candies from the local shop. Ramisu would always put his work aside and disappear with the little child, but the nighttime would always catch him in the catacombs with Elain, sleeping sometimes on the floor next to her.

Darion on the other hand, had yet to find his peace and she knew very well that he needed Deianeira for it, especially now that there were no more prisoners to torture and no more battles to lead; he had nothing to keep his mind busy with and this exhausted him. She knew he couldn't sleep. Assema was the one who would take him to the local tavern to drink, but Darion ended up drinking until morning. He could not stand anymore to see her that way. He wanted her to return as fast as possible.

Suddenly, she felt a heavy burden on her heart and then she understood what was happening. She got up, in the middle of the meeting, placing both hands on the table in the process, her chair falling behind her.

As: The girls...

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