Chapter 45

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Dr: Our rooms are on the fifth floor, next to one another. Let us hurry before others decide to join us.

They climbed the stairs in silence and Deianeira felt like she was about to set fire to the whole building while Elain could only think about Ramisu's cold eyes. After putting their bags in the boy's rooms, they all gathered in Darion's room, since it was bigger.

Dei: So this is your world...

She looked around the room at the king-sized bed covered in black velvet sheets, the chandelier and the huge wardrobe.

Dr: We should have never got this close, this is all our fault.

Ed: The witch would have found us anywhere. Imagine if she saw us going South as planned...Ramisu wouldn't have been alive.

Dei: What's the plan?

Dr: He has already figured I turned you, he will not touch you, unless you provoke him. What you did until now is perfect, keep up with it. Elain, I know it is almost impossible, but you have to control yourself. You are supposed to be with Eden, you have to hide your feelings for Ramisu, your heart is too easy to read.

Ela: It's not like I can make it stop.

Ed: If Leon suspects anything, Ramisu's life is in danger.

As if having heard his own name being spoken, Ramisu stormed in the room and slammed the door clos.

Rm: What were you thinking?! Why didn't you stick to the plan? I can't get you out of this mess now.

The only feeling more powerful than anger that Darion could feel was the desperation Ramisu was overwhelmed with.

Dr: Too many things have happened on our way and we were losing too much time, we had to shorten the road.

Ed: They would have found us anyway, he used the witch to search for us.

Rm: I didn't know about it, Leon never mentioned her.

None of them could give any other arguments, cut by the way Ramisu grabbed Elain's hands and asked to speak to her alone, his eyes never leaving Eden's, now staring each other down.

Dr: Let us go to your room, Eden. They need to figure it out on their own.

But Darion's voice snapped Eden out of it and he followed him and Deianeira outside and Elain wanted to wanted to kiss him, have him and never let him go, but, when she tried reaching for his lips, he stopped her in her tracks.

Rm: Don't. You will ruin the plan even more. Or at least, what's left of it.

Ela: At least let me hug you, I had no idea what was happening to y...

Rm: You kissed him, right? And not only that, right? He drank from YOU! Remember what I said Elain? That I love you beyond death, but I will not tolerate to be taken for a fool?

She grabbed Ramisu's hands before he could shove them away once again, feeling how disappointed and hurt he was.

Ela: It is not what you think, there are no such feelings between us! We were attacked by witches, they were under the witch's control, I used that kiss only to force my blood into his mouth, to wake him up.

Rm: Did you enjoy it as much as to share your blood again?

It seemed as if he was not even listening to her, having already made his own version of what had happened and Elain's eyes filled with tears, but she did not let them fall. Instead, she pushed him in the chest with force.

Ela: It didn't mean anything more than it was! I was wrong to let him feed on me, I was too stupid to recognize a bloodlust, but that is all, why won't you believe me?

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