Chapter 112

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Leon's mad eyes seemed to be seeing the images of his dying parents again. He grabbed Elain by the face and spoke through his teeth.

L: Not only did he abandon them in the middle of the final battle, but he turned their back to them, he joined the other side and watched them die. Wouldn't you consider this a well-deserved payback? Watching his daughters die?

Ln: Leon, she has vervain again.

Leon let out a shout of rage, followed closely by Elain's shout of pain, as Leon stabbed her in the stomach with his sword. Amel did not have enough power to let out a cry, but his world turned to flames. Had he had any tears to cry, he would have let them fall. Had he had any bit of energy, he would have attacked Leon without caring about his life. But the only thing he could do was being useless, at Leon's mercy, witnessing the fall of his house, of the world he had been fighting for for so many decades. He could hear his men still fighting above them, he could recognize their calls, he could distinguish their voices shouting orders, refusing to give up in taking the castle. But there he was, defeated, insisting like a fool not to give up.

Leon let Elain fall on the floor, still conscious but in great pain, bleeding her life away. The smell of her sweet blood almost made Deianeira feel sick, feeling so useless, wanting to conjure up her healing powers, but her bloodstone was slowly turning to white shade, as the last remaining energy went into her healing. She had felt her veins catching fire once again, but the fire was dimmed in intensity compared to the last time she had taken vervain, signalizing to her that her blood and venom had already started accustoming to the changes. She was already on the edge, but she still could not reach for her sire to come and help her. When Leon impaled Elain, Deianeira could not stop her shout of agony. She tried to break free from Leon's power, but his power over her only intensified. With tears in her eyes, she cried for her sister. Deianeira saw Elain trying to crawl towards her, leaving behind a thick trace of blood. 

Ln: We have to wait for the vervain to be absorbed and...

L: We don't have that much time!

He let Deianeira fall on the floor as well, since her wound and the vervain made her less than an easy target.

L: We will have to do with what we have.

Ln: It won't work! I told you so many times why it failed in the past, we cannot afford losing again, they are the last ones.

L: Don't you think I know that?!

Elain did not stop, something within her telling her she had to reach Deianeira, she had to hold her hand before everything would end. Their father could not help them, their lovers needed them and they only had each other, as they used to in the past. It seemed as if only yesterday their biggest worry was to arrive home before the sunset, or else their human parents would scold them for staying out in the forest till late. It felt to them as if everything was only a dream and they would soon be awakened by the sound of their father getting up in the morning and leaving to hunt. When the two sisters reached each other, their hands got covered in the blood of each other, trying to help one another. Seeing that they had no power left, they involuntarily took their bloodied hands to their medallions, as if begging Alyssa to send them one last drop of energy, just enough to heal themselves and take it from the beginning. Because they would take it all from the beginning, no matter how much it hurt or how many times Leon would crash them into the walls, they would get back and fight back each and every time. Deianeira could feel Elain fading away due to the amount of blood loss and it drew her insane. No matter how much she tried to heal her, nothing came out.

Dei: Stay awake, Elain. I beg you, don't you die on me. It's too soon!

Ela: Didn't I say I would always protect you? I will not leave you alone.

Dei: You fool, you should have run when you had the chance.

Deianeira's tears fell on the ground.

Dei: I can't live in a world without you, without our father. Amel, you will understand why I will...

Am: Don't say that. I...I mean...we...

But Amel could no longer find his words.

L: Such a dramatic scene indeed. Go ahead, Elain. Bid your farewell. Take it as a favour for you who have served me so well.

Ela: It is not a farewell. It is only a see you later, Leon; in hell. 

Elain's smile tore Deianeira's heart apart, her black eyes were slowly closing and Deianeira reached for her ring. She refused to be part of Leon's plan, she refused to go on without those she had been fighting for. Alyssa could not help her, their coven was nowhere to be felt, no one could help them. She was ready to end her life before becoming Leon's puppet. But, suddenly, both her and Elain could see themselves surrounded by auras in the shapes of small white circles. It seemed like only they could see it, since Leon had turned to Luna, ignoring their presence.

Ela: Can you see them too?

Dei: It would be impossible not to. They are all getting closer to us.

Ela: They feel...warm.

They all split into two parts, some of them lingering above Elain, and the others above Deianeira. Suddenly, they all rushed into the girls' twin medallions and the explosion of energy was so powerful that the entire room got lit up, blinding Leon, Luna and Amel.

The girls saw themselves surrounded by tens of women, both old and young, all dressed in white, their bodies shining with warm light. They did not feel scared at all, on the contrary, they felt as if a huge burden had been taken off their shoulders. They were hand in hand, staring at the large group of priestesses.

'You did well to hold onto your medallions.'

'You've done your best so far. It is our turn to help you now.'

Dei: But how? Why?

'Your medallions have been passed from generation to generation. After death, we all left back a trace of our auras into the medallions.'

'We thought such a moment would eventually come.'

Ela: Where have you been all this time?? Why now? Are we...?

'No, you are not dead. Yet. Your blood combined brought us back, it was impossible for us to come without help...'

'We've been trying to warn you, to help you, but our powers were too weak. Your blood gave us the strength we needed, the bond was released.'

'And we are here to win.'

When the powerful light ceased, Leon did not have time to take in everything that has happened. Not only have Deianeira and Elain's been healed and their energy brought back, but they were pure energy. Amel starred at them in shock and Luna could not help but take many steps back. Deianeira was surrounded by her own fire from head to toe, burning stronger than ever, being part of her, while Elain's lighting lit so strong it made it difficult to look at her. They were not controlling them anymore, they were fire and lightning, they were the Life Force and the Heart. 

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