Chapter 70

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Rb: My name is Rubia. I am the daughter of Eyren and Amenadiel, first of her name.

As: How can you help our cause?

Rubia went over to Alyssa's throne and put her right hand in front of Alyssa. In an instant, Alyssa felt the dark aura that had become so familiar to her being lifted and gathered in her hand in just a few seconds. Even if she had taken a small amount, with the other hand Rubia made the dark aura fade. Amel was impressed.

Am: How old is she? How can she temper with our auras this way?

'She is twenty years old, my Lord.'

Rb: If I may speak, Lord Amel, I feed on this type of energy. My soul power is to influence auras, to clean, to change them, to model them as I want. This is what my parents left me as living legacy. Alyssa, your aura was of black magic. I can control both white and black magic, it does not harm me, on the contrary, it feeds my powers.

As: Can you handle a bigger amount of dark energy?

Rb: With the cost of resting for a few days, yes, I can take it. I can feel the dark auras in here and on the higher floor.

They talk was interrupted when Ramisu's shout was heard from above them.

Rm: Alyssa!

As: You might as well come and help me now. One of my daughters needs your help immediately.

'Your daughters? You found them?'

Alyssa nodded, as they all rushed up the stairs. As they reached Elain's room, a shirtless Ramisu was trying to contain Elain inside the room, trying to pull her back. Elain was dressed in just her robe.

Ela: Let me go!

Rm: It's him again. I feel it now, through the sire bond.

Ramisu knew Elain was fighting Leon and Luna's control, as she struggled to keep her lighting and wind away from Ramisu.

As: Prevent my daughter from leaving.

'We need your blood and hers.'

As: Take it!

One witch cut Elain and Alyssa on the wrist.

Ela: What are you doing to me? Let me go!

The witches all put the blood from Alyssa and Elain on the windowsframes, doorframe and on the door knob while Rubia was left behind searching the new discovered auras. In a second, they all started chanting and Elain was thrown with great force into her bed. Ramisu stepped out of the room.

'We created a spiritual barrier. She cannot pass the doorframe, but others are allowed to walk in.'

Elain growled at the witches. Silently, Rubia entered the room while her coven were whispering a spell. Elain laughed.

Ela: Right into my lair.

Elain wanted to touch Rubia, but, as soon as she did this, she took her hand away. Rubia's skin was almost like vervain.

Ela: Filthy witch coven. Damn you!

With another movement, Elain was hit against the ceiling, and thrown down, making her pass out. Rubia got closer to her and put a hand on her forehead.

Rb: Don't worry, Alyssa. I will absorb this black magic in a few minutes.

Rm: I will stay here in case you need me as well.

Rb: It is alright. My coven is here to help me. You can go feed, your aura is still red from recent events. You need to calm down.

Rm: How did you...?

But Alyssa simply nodded.

Rm: Let me know when it is done.

Rb: It is actually strange, Alyssa.

As: What is strange?

Rb: Your house. You have so many mixed auras. I sense anger, disappointment, fear and weakened auras, even worse, cracked auras.

As: That would be my other daughter. She went to the spirit world without a shield and it has been cracked since her return.

Rb: We will have to look at that as well. You do know that a cracked aura means cracked shields. You should have sent for us earlier.

As: It wasn't like this in the beginning. Her loss of control and her cracked aura were not that strong.

Rb: It depends on what their auras have been feeding on. In this girl's case, she has only fed on black magic, in the other room I presume she fed on dark as well, but the crack deepened, despite her protective stone.

As: So you sensed the power of my stones.

Rb: They influence auras, but sometimes stones are not enough to clean it. They need my help.

She turned to her coven.

Rb: Put my bags here, on this floor. Do you have any other spare room here?

Am: Yes, choose which ever room you want.

Rb: Thank you.

Rubia stood with Elain for ten minutes before putting her on the bed and closing the door to her room. Her coven had already gone downstairs for supper, so she grabbed her bags and went down the hall. All of a sudden, as she was walking past Eden's room, she stopped for a few seconds, feeling almost crushed by the mixed aura in the room. She felt lust, revenge, love, all of them mixed into one person. She became intrigued, nobody had ever crushed her that way. She put a hand on the door, feeling something more than a wave of mundane emotions.

Rb: My witch feelings wouldn't betray me this way. Why would they?

She smiled to herself and she went into the room opposite to Eden's. It was now midnight when Alyssa shut the door to Amel's study room. She leaned with her back against the door.

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