Chapter 5

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In a few weeks, things were much more different than they could have imagined. After regaining her strength, Deianeira seemed to be accepting her other self more and more. She listened to her sister's thoughts regarding their past and the reasons why she could not bring herself to reveal the truth and learned how to forgive her, at the same time following her wish not to get into more details. She knew Elain was right, those who raised them were their parents, and she did not need to know more.

They decided to have the same discussion again, but this time listening to what the two vampires had to say till the end. They learned that both vampires and dhampirs can recognize one another through sent, which explained the odd feeling Elain had always had about them, and how their powers can evolve with their help, in exchange of mutual protection. Although they did not embrace the truth right away, they decided they had to learn how to control themselves, for the sake of those around them. They had to learn who they truly were and, if sheltering two vampires, taking distance from humans and becoming more alike to vampires would help them control themselves, they would have to do it; they refused to become monsters.

There were still many questions they wanted to ask them: how did they become vampires? How old were they? What would happen to themselves, should they later on be turned into vampires? And many others. They wanted to know the answers as much as they were afraid of asking. They wanted to know more about themselves and about the hidden world they were unwillingly part of as much as they wanted to deny everything that was happening.

The four of them ran together through the woods, the two sisters letting their born abilities show. They were faster than they already knew, they could hear more sounds and see further away than they used to. And everything only because they let their instincts take the lead.

Though he did not show that, Eden was growing more comfortable around the girls. The fights, the taunting were all still there, but the words 'get out' have never been spoken again. Darion, on the other side, let his pride show. He made sure Deianeira knew how much he enjoyed her other side, how proud he was whenever she acted more like him and less like a usual human. Though there were times when his powers would not work on her, her shields being unwillingly raised, he always knew he was needed. She was growing more independent, but she would never want him to leave, he knew it.

Everything seemed to settle down for them, the girls' trust in them grew more and more every day and soon it would have been the time to make the next step: have them try blood. Eden and Darion knew that this was the last step before they completely earned them on their side, before could head back home; back to him.

Dr: We do have enough money, you don't need to do this anymore, you don't have to go to the village and face those people again.

Dei: It is not only about money, the forest is at our feet, it gives us everything we need. And it is not about the people that hate us, it is about those that need us. And the weather is nice for us today so we can actually pick more. Please Darion, just do our bidding this time.

Dr: Is it that important to you?

Dei: Yes, please. We will run again tomorrow, I'll try catching up with you even more, but today let us make this day about us.

Dr: I do not like this idea, but if you beg me with those puppy-eyes of yours...

Dei: Just this once. And you can come with us and watch over us.

Dr: Fine, little lady. I will do your bidding today.

The three of them had been in the forest for several hours now, having filled up at least three baskets, when Darion broke the silence.

Dr: Well, I think we should go. It is getting late and you are two innocent girls in a forest and it is almost sunrise. Let us hurry home.

Dei: I think we should stay a bit longer. We found more lime than we expected.

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