Chapter 25

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He started running with her, his eyes having already adapted to the pitch darkness. Not too long after they met, Deianeira felt shivers running down her spine, her body suddenly receiving energy from nowhere, and she realized that her first energy barrier had been trespassed, Mikael and Eva's energy turning to her, but she did not stop Lyserg. He kept on running, as she felt the shivers again and again.

Lsg: Why do you feel this way? These shivers keep repeating themselves. Are you cold?

Another three barriers appeared behind them.

Dei: I am taking their energy. Whenever they pass through my barriers, I steal a small part of their energy. Look at my bloodstone. It's colour is pale red. My energy will be replenished soon.

He would have never imagined her to have such a power. He knew very well about her mother's heritage, but, seeing her powers so similar, he did not know if she would eventually learn to use them to the fullest. As defensive as they were, they were not to be taken for granted.

Lsg: Just make sure you have enough for you.

Dei: I will. They are gaining on us very fast.

More minutes passed and Deianeira jumped from Lyserg's arms entering a small, empty room where the water was leaking heavily.

Dei: I can feel two barriers remaining. They are almost here.

She checked her skirt for her dagger and Lyserg was waiting impatiently for them. He wanted them to pay for everything.

Mk: It's enough, Lyserg. I am not sure how you managed to come back, Deianeira, but in one way or another you will get to Leon. Give up already!

Mikael's voice showed no signs of tiredness, but Deianeira knew very well that he and Eva were close to exhaustion.

Eva: Your little weak fire cannot stop us. Can't you see you do nothing but hurting Lyserg?

She clenched her teeth in anger, but Lyserg stood out in front of her.

Lsg: You are the only ones who ruin everything for me. Since the very beginning, I have done nothing but following your words, but it is enough. I am done with you.

Eva: You don't mean it! It is only her who turns you against us. You are not like this, Lyserg! Open your eyes!

Lsg: This is who I am!

Eva: You are opposing your parents!

Lsg: You turned against me a long time ago.

Mk: Are you happy, Deianeira? Since you came into Lyserg's life, what else have you done besides hurting him and pulling him apart from his family?

Dei: I have opened his eyes! And yes, I will be happy, when I will spill your blood!

Without any warning Eva launched at her, but Lyserg grabbed her by the arms and pushed her into the wall. Mikael rushed in the room to help Eva, but Deianeira faced him right away. Having tasted blood few days ago really had helped her as her senses were more on alert.

Mk: You cursed dhampir, you cannot defeat me!

He pulled his sword out and raised it over her head, while Eva was trying to break free from Lyserg. But it was pointless., hus hold was hard to break.

Lsg: Dei! Watch out! Step back from him!

Having grabbed the dagger from her skirt, she managed to block the hit with both hands on Lyserg's dagger and fell on one knee.

Mk: How can you block this? You should be out of energy!

He raised his sword again, but Deianeira simply jumped back and though Mikael kept on trying to hit her with the sword, every time she would dodge him or block him with the dagger.

Mk: Stay still!

After she managed to break free from Lyserg's hold by biting into his hand,   Eva rushed to help Mikael, but only to have Lyserg's sword pointed at her neck.

Lsg: One move and it's over, mother. Do not make me kill you here.

Eva: Would you actually do it?

He did not say anythinb, but his sword did not move either. Deianeira surrounded herself and Mikael in a barrier of fire and one of energy. She was on her knees, as she had not dodged Mikael's sword on time and had been wounded.

Mk: Look at you, little dhampir, you are bleeding. You are so useless, you can't even defend yourself. You keep hiding in your barriers.

The scenes when Mikael drained her kept on playing on her mind, starting her bloodlust as her eyes turned red.

Dei: I am not useless! I will never be and I will always protect the people I love the most.

Mikael landed another hit with all the power that he had, but Deianeira saw the sword's direction and jumped on time to the left. She threw the dagger which hit Mikael in his chest, having aimed correctly again. Being hit by the dagger, Mikael let his sword fall due to the silver started that was burning his flesh.

Lyserg and Eva were looking amazed at the battle going on between the barriers. Seeing him hurt, Deianeira did not waste any more time and threw him with a kick right through her barriers, making Mikael hit the wall with his back. She went next to him, holding her wound.

Dei: You disgust me, Mikael. I only wanted to be happy with Lyserg, but it seems this was too much for you two. You will never hurt me again.

Not even when his defeat was clear did Mikael admit it and he laughed with his head bowed. The next second, he grabbed Deianeira and started choking her with his bare hands.

Lsg: Let her go!

Lyserg threw his sword towards Mikael, but Eva got in the way so that she could protect her husband and took the blow in his place.

Eva: You will not hurt Mikael.

His hit being very pricise as well and having pierced her lungs, Eva fell, but Lyserg caught her in his arms. With the energy she still got left, she took the small knife hidden under her skirt and stabbed her son in the chest.

Mk: Beg me for your death!

Dei: Never!

She put her hands on Mikael's neck and let her fire burn him enough to have him drop her. She then pulled the dagger from his chest and stabbed him again, this time piercing his flesh better. Mikael left out a scream, as the silver was spreading in his blood. From his mouth, drops of blood started pouring.

Mk: So, this was your hidden power: fire!

Dei: I told you to stay away from me, but no, your greed always made you weak. I am no longer the sweet innocent girl that walked into your home. Her innocence is gone. I have killed the vampires who accompanied me, I healed myself and I survived the silver wound.

Lyserg put Eva next to Mikael, removing his sword from her lungs and her dagger from his chest.

Lsg: It's enough, Deianeira. You got your revenge. The rest is up to me.

He grabbed her in his arms, as her bloodlust was starting to fade away. Her wound started to hurt, but she no longer sought revenge.

Lsg: I have failed you, but you two have failed me first. I won't let you control my life anymore. You won't remember a thing about the last months, but, trust me, it is for the best.

Eva: You will give up on us so easily?

Lyserg removed the dagger from Mikael's wound and handed it back to Deianeira. He put both his hands on his parents' heads.

Lsg: It's for the best.

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