Chapter 61

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After changing, the two sisters joined the servant on the hallway and followed him down the stairs. Deianeira had felt Darion's kiss before leaving her and, when she woke up alone, she was already missing him and could only hope that the time spent with Alyssa will help draw her thoughts from Darion. The room they have now been invited in was a cozy library with shelves with books that rose to the ceiling and, as soon as they entered, they saw the Warlock sitting on the couch, sipping from his tea and they hurried at his side to give the old man the warmes and tightest of their embraces; his laugh put their hearts at ease.

Ela & Dei: Warlock!

Wr: My dears, it's been a long time. You have flourished so beautifully.

He caressed their faces and showed them his kindest smile.

Ela: Warlock, we've missed you so much! How did you get here? When?

As: Slow down dear, he is safe and sound and you have all the time to talk.

Wr: I left right after you and master Ramisu went for Deianeira and master Lyserg...may he rest in peace. I took all the maps Ramisu had and rushed here.

As: He told us everything he knew about you, about Ramisu, as well as about Le...Darion and Eden.

Dei: That's why the guards told us father was expecting us when we first arrived.

Alyssa nodded in approval and now it made sense why their encounter had not taken them by surprise as much as the girls had expected.

Dei: Many things have happened since we last saw each other.

Wr: Alyssa told me everything.

As: Amel showed me what happened. My dears, I did not do it to have the proof of your honesty, I only wanted to know everything about you. I knew who you were from the moment you stepped past our borders.

Dei: Thank you for believing us...mother.

Hearing the word mother again after such a long time brought tears in her eyes and her wide smile became even brighter, she could even feel shivers running down her spine. 

Wr: I am sure you wish to have some time for yourself to get to know each other better, but I insisted to have this discussion today. I am also aware you have many questions, but before everything you must know about yourselves. I could not deny this right to Alyssa and I am here to help you understand everything better.

They all took a seat but Alyssa who preferred to stand and face all of them. She could not help but stare at her daughters, as if to make sure she was not dreaming.

Ela: We have already been told about our powers and priestess legacy.

As: Have you also been told how we have come to be?

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