Chapter 7

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Dv: The girl is mine. I cannot pass this energy, this aura, I have to study it, to learn more about it. How can a half-blood have so much power? Her blood is not weak either, I could actually say it's quite...dangerous.

Darion's eyes turned red again and his fangs came out. That was the last drop.

Dr: I told you not to play with fire.

Dv: What an irony. Actually, you will be playing with fire. Get up, my dear! Burn them alive!

Deianeira smiled at her sister as her sharp teeth showed. Darion and Eden exchanged looks before Eden quickly pulled Elain behind him, Deianeira's hand only getting to touch Eden and burn him less then she would have liked to.

Ela: What is going on with her?!

Dr: Devarion, you fool, you do not know what you have done.

Devarion's laugh echoed in the room and Deianeira's energy seemed to have darkened his mind, as he did not care anymore whom he was talking to.

Dv: But I know perfectly, my Lord. I have to admit, I did not plan this from the beginning, but her energy and desire to live awoken my...appetite, to say so, for her power, her blood and, especially, for your death.

Dr: You will regret this.

Dv: You will have to get through her to touch me. Will you hurt her? Is your desire for revenge that great?

Ed: Do not take us for some peasants, Devarion. You will not come out of this alive, that is for sure.

Deianeira came in front of her master, ready to protect him and he bent his back in order to let his chin rest on her shoulder. He took a deep breath, taking in her scent.

Dv: I can understand why she drives you mad. Her blood smells...terrific.

Dr: Dei, come back to your senses, this is not you. Move out of my way.

But she did not utter a word and her blank expression showed no feelings and no thoughts; she was now only following his orders.

Ela: Why?? Why would you do this?! She has done nothing wrong to you!

Dv: And that is exactly why I am saving her from you. You almost took her life away, you waste her power. None of you know how to help her. Have you forgotten about my powers? My truly amazing powers! Once they agree, I can control their energy with no effort. She did not have second thoughts when she said she would follow my orders.

Dr: Dei, move. I don't want to hurt you.

Dv: But she wants to hurt you. Don't you, my dear?

Dei: Of course, my Lord; as you wish.

Darion's patience came to an end and in the blink of an eye he launched at Devarion, but Deianeira jumped as well to oppose him. At the same time, Eden flew across the room into Deianeira, grabbed her and hit the wall with her, giving Darion the opportunity to throw Devarion in the shelves, all the stones falling on him. He then grabbed his arms and bit deep into his shoulder.

Dei: Master!

Eden held Deianeira with all his strength, but with her energy recovered, more than this, with the new energy she received, on top of this being actually a dhampir, she threw Eden over her head and smashed him on the floor. With the tail of her eye she saw Elain trying to get closer to her and with a small gesture of her hand she surrounded her sister in a barrier of fire. It was tall enough for her not to jump and tight enough for her not to be able to move almost at all. Taking advantage of her lack of attention, Eden tried to grab her again, but Deianeira suddenly jumped back, by her Master's side.

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