Chapter 81

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Ela: It's been almost four months, how long are you going to keep me here? Everyone is fighting, I cannot stay behind for so long!

Am: I can't afford you being hurt. Not now when all my people look up to you.

Ela: How can they look up to me when I stay here, under the protection of the cloak?! They don't need someone who hides, they need someone to follow them, to fight side by side with them.

Am: They need someone who will trust my decisions.

Ela: I trust your decisions, but this is not a decision based on logics. It is a decision based on fear. You said it yourself, I have to get out there to learn war affairs!

Am: I know what I said and I still believe you need to learn more before going there, Elain!

Ela: With or without your approval, I will go out there, I will get hurt, I will fall and I will get up again and again and again. You can't keep me away forever!

Am: I can keep you away for now.

Ela: I won't be left behind. Not anymore.

Elain stormed out of Amel's tent. They always had the same discussion before a fight, but this time it was the worst. They had been slowly moving forward, as the great number of soldiers and the battles they carried slowed them down. And this time the enemy had taken a whole village and took the humans as hostages; and Elain would not stay behind, knowing she could be of help this time.


Hello, my sire, my love. I know it has been a while and I apologize for not writing sooner. I am sorry that you could not save that village, maybe other battles will be less unfortunate. I sense you have been slightly injured, but by now the witches must have healed your wound. I am happy to hear that Eden returned to you and that he was allowed by our father to stay in the camp. Rubia misses him deeply. Not one day goes by without her mentioning him. This gets her distracted enough when she teaches me to read auras better. It sparkles red every time. I learned how to place my energy in crystals or in jewelries as a way to hide my energy and keep reserves. The warlock has increased the quantity of the vervain and I do not cough so much blood anymore after ingesting it. I started having it under control, as my blood started to absorb the vervain in one day. These last days were pretty interesting. I was outside practicing my archer skills when suddenly another target was put next to mine. I was surprised when mother climbed down the stairs and came to me, holding behind her back a long brown bow with sharp dagger-like blades on the upper and lower limb and a guard protecting the arrow rest and shelf. The string was pretty strong. I bet you felt my excitement. She put an arrow in it and she aimed from the stairs, having lit the arrow shaft previously. Needless to say, the target was pierced by the fire and energy. No matter how far the target would be, mother would always hit the target. I tried picking it, but it pushed me to the ground, funny enough. I am not strong enough for it. One day, I wish I will have a bow like hers. She was happy to see me choose the bow. She gave me a big hug, saying how much I resemble her in powers and sometimes in decisions. She is so nimble and graceful...I feel sorry I have given up on my bow, but my powers needed taming.

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