Chapter 54

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Though she had been close to passing out at that time, Elain kept on having flashbacks remembering how Deianeira rushed through the flames to help her, not concerned about her own safety. Even if the fire would have consumed her or if she would have fainted from the loss of energy, her sister still went on with it. Recently, her hands had been burnt by the vervain ropes and yet she did not stop cutting them. Elain was now worried for someone for the first time in her vampire life; it had been four days and Deianeira was still in a deep sleep.

When she opened her sister's necklace and saw the picture inside it she could not recognize the girl, but she then looked at the one she had in hers and a flashback of a young Deianeira trying to catch a butterfly came to her mind. She suddenly let go of that necklace and starred at hers, soon hit by a wave of memories of her sister, from her youngest age to the moment she died and, as if she once again saw Deianeira's body covered in blood in front of her eyes, she let go of the necklace fall and got up letting out a scream.

Rm: Ela?

Slowly, she started taking everything in: Leon, the witch, Ramisu, the pain, Deianeira, the pain, the fire, the darkness and even more pain and tears started falling down her cheeks as she touched her chest in search of the beating of her heart.

Rm: Ela calm down, it will be alright.

Ela: I'm turned.,I'm a vampire. I...

When she pushed him away rejecting his embrace and comfort, Ramisu's heart filled with pain as he could feel Elain's sadness at the thought of finally being a vampire. She let herself fall on the ground as the loud sobs would not let her speak, she refused to believe it and held her hand against her chest still waiting for a strong heartbeat.

After such a long deep sleep it was her sister's cry that woke Deianeira up and in an instant she took her in her arms; she could understand her sorrow better than anyone else. How much she missed her beating heart, how much she hated herself for having hurt a human and how much she wanted to turn back the time, only Deianeira could understand.

Dei: It's alright, let it all in. You are safe.

Ela: It is not alright!

Her sobs once again cut her words and she hugged Deianeira tighter as if her life depended on it, leaving Ramisu and Eden feeling helpless, watching her crying over her human life.

Dei: I am so happy that you are back, that you are here with me! I would have searched the realms till the end until I could actually find you. Elain, I could not go on without you!

Despite her sister's suffering, she could not help but feeling relieved to have her in her arms once again, to see her back to her usual self and so much stronger. She let Elain cry as long as she needed and, when she did not hear her sobs anymore, she pulled her away and looked at her so much more confident now that her eyes were finally back to their black colour.

Dei: You will soon learn to love this life, the sorrow of death will not follow you more than a couple of days. I've been there and I know you will be alright.

Elain had always known that the day of her turning would come and she had tried to prepare herself for it, but that was not the way she had hopped for it to happen, she had hopped for Ramisu to turn her when she asked him to, when she felt ready to leave behind the only thing that made her special in the world of vampires: her heart; but now she was one of them, she had to accept it, embrace it and use her immortality for her and her family's good. She then suddenly stood up, wiped her tears and looked at Ramisu scared.

Ela: I remember Leon. Did he do it? Was I turned by him? What if...?

Rm: His venom started the transformation, but Eden and I managed to clean a good part of your blood. When I gave you my venom, Leon's was not that strong anymore.

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