Chapter 55

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Deianeira's arrow hit the rabbit in one shot and the green venom was now covering the white fur, paralyzing the animal in a second. It had been five days since Elain had returned to her and now that everything was calmer she was even more eager to test her venom on her arrows and the result only brought a smile on her pale face. But that was not the only reason; Elain seemed to have accepted her new life much faster and easier than they would have expected, she was already hunting with Ramisu, enjoying her new agility and everything was slowly going back to normal, though Eden still kept his distance. Deianeira could not help herself from comparing the two transformations, she kept wondering why she did not embrace this life as eagerly as her sister had done, despite the fact that Elain had always been more reluctant to that idea than herself, but she blamed it on her human side, her priestess side, her power side.

Darion initially had not agreed to her dipping her arrows and his sword in her blood, but she asked him to bear with her and see if it had any effect on the wounds caused; this was just another proof that her venom was stronger as days went by. If it hadn't been for Darion's age and strong venom, she feared he wouldn't have touched her blood again. She closed her eyes as a familiar smell hit her and she started running in the direction from where it came, her eyes soon to land on a man who was surrounded by wolves, heavily bleeding from their bites. Judging by his clothes, he seemed to be a hunter. The wolves went to attack him again, when a barrier of fire appeared around them, driving the wolves away at her sight and making her way to the man who was twitching in pain. She put a hand on his head.

'Who are you?'

His vision was blurry. She gently put a finger on his lips.

Dei: You will be just fine. Trust me.

'But the wolves...'

But Deianeira started healing him and he felt a light warm energy surrounding him, urging him to sleep. His wounds started healing immediately.

Dr: Dei! What are you doing?

Having felt her using her healing powers, he quickly rushed to her side.

Dei: Healing him. The wolves had ganged up on him, I couldn't leave him.

There was no reason for him to hide how proud he was of her control. The man's blood could be felt everywhere, but there she was, healing him despite her red eyes and her hunger not yet satisfied.

Dr: Are you sure you can do it till the end? Aren't you hungry?

Dei: I am hungry, but I am used to the sight of blood. I used to heal the people back at Lyserg's mansion, I just focus on what I have to do.

'Where am I?'

Dr: You are safe.

Darion squatted as his level making eye contact with him and closely watched by Deianeira's curious eyes; it was the first time he was constraining someone in front of her.

Dr: You will forget that you have met her or me, you just wandered through the forest and fell asleep. Now you will go home and will not talk to anyone until you fall asleep in your bed. Do not look back. Do you understand that?

'Yes. I will do as you say.'

In a second, the man started walking back to his house, without looking back and as if nothing had happened to him.

Dei: So, this is our constrain power.

Dr: Indeed. It didn't work on you when I tried it.

Dei: You tried it on me?!

Her laugh, though mocking, was music to hears.

Dei: Well, on me it didn't work, vampire, but I am really eager to learn this new trick of ours.

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