Chapter 47

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Dm: Wake up, princess. It is time to go.

She startled when Damaris slammed the door open and got up, dropping the hairbrush. 

Ela: What are you doing here? I've never let you in. Get out!

Dm: Believe me, I would rather visit you in my room than in this one, but Master Leon has a plan and he asked for you, my dear. Now, grab my hand and go in silence.

Ela: I am not moving without Eden.

Dm: I don't see him, I bet he is busy with another girl. Don't worry, maybe we will get busy later too.

The thought sent shivers down her spine and she frowned.

Dm: Come now.

He grabbed her right hand firmly and started pulling her after him, ignoring her protests and, hearing the noise, Deianeira came out of her room and rushed down the stairs after them.

Dei: Where are you taking her?!

Dm: Leon asked to see her. Don't worry, little vampire, your turn will come later.

Dei: I will go with you as well.

Dm: Now, now be a good girl and stay in your room as your Master commanded you. I will be right there with you.

Ela: Dei, go back. It's alright, do as I say.

Damaris pulled Elain further down the stairs, leaving Deianeira with her fist clenched, her bloodstone about to break in it. She went back to her room and reached through the bond for Darion, her desperation making him rush back within a few minutes.

Dr: What happened?

Dei: Where were you? Where is Eden, where is Ramisu? Where is everyone?!

Dr: Leon keeps us busy with all sorts of excuses. What happened? Where is Elain?

Dei: Damaris took her, Darion. I couldn't stop him, I couldn't even give her the bloodstone and now...

She refused to give course to the worse thoughts and grabbed Darion's arms in search for comfort.

Dei: He said he will return for me as well. Darion, I am scared, please don't leave me here. I can't keep pretending I don't remember everything, I am too scared and...

In his embrace, instead of getting calmer, she grew even more tensed as she felt how restless Darion was in his turn.

Dr: I am here now, but I can't stay. We have almost everything ready.

He looked her in the eyes, and spoke to her in a serious voice.

Dr: Even if he comes, he will not hurt you. He will not hurt Elain either, remember that he needs you two. Now listen to me.

The tone of his voice changed again into the sire voice.

Dr: Don't leave this room until you hear my signal. We will escape.

Dei: As you wish.

Before leaving once again he gave her a passionate but short kiss.

Dm: We are almost here.

The third floor seemed never-ending and the golden door opened with a loud noise, revealing to Elain's eyes a mighty Leon standing close to what seemed to be an altar with Luna close to him; the fire was lit in the room.

L: How nice of you to join us, Elain. I believe that you did not have trouble with Damaris. I would have come for you myself since you are my guest, but I had other business to take care of.

The higher the fire grew, the more Luna's smile widened and Elain's eyes lost their light. Damaris pushed her in the room, but she did her best to hide her fear. .

Dm: Do you need anything from my side?

L: You can go now, tell Amun to get ready.

Damaris slammed the door behind him and Leon showed Elain to a seat next to him.

L: Please join me, Elain. We have a lot of catching up to do.

As if her legs were not even hers anymore, she did take a seat, but she couldn't say anything, her mouth was dry. She had thought so many times about the day when she would have Leon in front of her, but not like this, she had seen herself as being the cause of his death, but there she was, trembling at his sight. She hated herself, she hated her body which wouldn't move and her mind that would not stop the buzzing in her ears.

L: How are you feeling here? Is everything alright? Eden has been missing a lot lately, but you can always come and visit me if you need someone to talk to. Especially since your sister is still not fully awaken.

The only thing Elain could do was nod and avoid his eyes, but Leon could smell, see, hear her fear and he enjoyed every bit of each of them. As if his own presence was not enough, Luna's laugh from next to the fireplace felt like a painful scratch to her ears.

Ln: For two weak sisters, I have to admit their auras are overwhelming.

Ela: Why did you ask for me?

L: Well, Elain I let you in my house, I fed you, gave you a place to sleep, fully accepted you into my family. It is only fair that now you should pay me back.

Desperately trying to order her powers to stay low, she got up and looked him in the eyes, his ice-cold blue piercing her heart once again.

Ela: What is that supposed to mean?

L: Luna, please proceed.

Ln: I thought I would never be asked to.

Without any other warning and with a slight gesture of the hand, Leon threw Elain into the small circle of salt drawn on the floor and, as soon as she fell inside it, Elain understood that her powers were gone, the magic having been stripped from her. She quickly scratched her own wrist, but Luna did not give her a chance to use the blood to try escaping the circle, she quickly pinned her arms up and caught her hands in silver chains hanging from the ceiling.

Ela: Stop it! What are you doing to me?!

Ln: Making my job easier. Now, hang around there, alright? It shouldn't take me that long.

She watched in horror Luna heading to the altar, picking from the beautiful white marble a sharp iron dagger and putting it close to the fire.

Ln: But remember Leon, it will take time, weeks for the impalement to work. The border will absorb her powers so she will not fight back, but it won't be easy for her, she might not make it.

L: She will handle it, she is Amel's daughter so don't wait for her to cry. As for my patience, I've been waiting for this for decades, I can wait a few more weeks.

Ela: Leon, please don't! 

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