Chapter 120

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But their worries were put aside, enjoying the victory and everything it brought with it. After finally ending the most important council meeting, to which the princesses took part as well, the lands that were to be given to the pure vampires that had helped in the battle had been decided, all of them on what used to be Leon's territory. They all took oath to rule in Amel's name, having kneeled in front of him and, thus, acknowledging him as their King. Leon's castle and most of the land around it were given to Eden without second thoughts, who, along with his fiancé, Rubia, would take care of the unfinished business.

One of the most important decisions was that regarding the whole realm. It was decided in unanimity that every being would be informed about everything that has happened, about the truth behind Amel's rule, about vampires and about their purpose from then on. Riders, both humans and vampires, would soon be sent in all the corners of the real to let everyone know about and acknowledge the King. Amel's promise to his people was his protection, making sure that none would suffer from hunger and that they could all ask him for help. His only condition was that the North would stay the realm of vampires, while the rest of the land would belong to humans.

If any human wanted to cross the border, he had to know his or her intentions. If any human wanted to be part of their world, he would take their wish into consideration. Otherwise, no human would be allowed to walk on the northern lands. At the same time, his rules regarding vampires traveling South would not change. Any vampire who would take innocent lives would be punished the same way any human that hunts a vampire.

He was well aware of the fact that it was almost impossible to have control over such a great matter, but he truly believed that his missionaries would help him earn both humans' and vampires' trust. He was ready to forgive as much as he was ready to punish.

Amel had also insisted on offering Assema and Serion a piece of land as well, but both of them refused, claiming that there were still many pure vampires who had to be found and awaken. That was a mission Amel would trust only the two of them to fulfill, followed by one of the pure vampires that had already helped in the final battle. The only favour that none of them could refuse Amel was for them to stay for the celebrations that were soon to take place. Fist of them was the King's coronation.

The castle and its gardens had all been taken care of in terms of aspects. The gardens were trimmed the fountains turned on, and the little gazebos were placed on the caste ground to accommodate the people. The castle had been repainted and the walls that had fallen rebuilt. Amel's banners were hanging from the windows, the devil spitting lightning over his enemies, reminding all of them of Amel's lightnings piercing the skies at Leon's fortress. The carpets were dark red as well and all the servants were wearing white and red attires while leading the masses to the throne room and the halls leading to it. The most important painters of the realm had gathered at the castle, hoping to immortalize the event.

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