Chapter 73

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The next three days went without other events, as Alyssa, the Warlock and Rubia watched over Elain's cleansing. Rubia still had to gather all the black energy out of the water and turn it into white energy and, in contrast to Deianeira, the blackness had a holder grip onto Elain. There were times when Rubia was almost close to passing out, but the Warlock and Alyssa gave her energy and helped her rest, protecting her own aura with protective crystals. Alyssa had not left the room at all, always by Elain's side. She could not help but feel sad whenever thinking about her unconscious daughter. Deianeira had called her mother since the first day of their arrival, but with Elain, that was a different story. Deep inside, she always wanted to hear the word Mother on Elain's lips, but this word had still not been pronounced and she feared she might never hear it. She felt a pat on her shoulder and a bottle of blood was lowered at her level.

Dei: Figured you might want one.

As: Dei, I didn't feel you coming in.

Dei: Because you were too absorbed by your thoughts. I imagined you didn't leave her side and that you might be hungry.

As: I am fine, dear. Don't worry about me.

Deianeira saw Alyssa's red eyes.

Dei: The black aura is almost gone.

As: Rubia fainted last night, though the coven has been giving her energy all this time. It was that bad. This curse is very hard to break and I feel so useless, sitting here, watching over her.

Dei: The warlock is with her now. That is why I came to you. Figured you might need some company.

As: You should go before you absorb as well.

Dei: I will when you are done with the bottle.

Allyssa smiled. With Deianeira it was always easier to express her thoughts, it almost came naturally.

As: Do you think she hates me, Dei? Does Elain hate us that much? Me and Amel?

Dei: She doesn't hate you, mother. She just trusts people harder.

As: I feel responsible for what has happened to her, to you. You went through all that pain when we should have protected you. We failed you.

Dei: What was in the past, stays there, alright? The present concerns me and that goes for Elain as well. She will forgive you both in the end, it is the curse that had been darkening her mind.

As: She always seemed so cold towards me, towards us. I didn't get to know her that much.

Dei: You will have the time to do this. She just does not trust people easy, but as you earn her trust, she stays loyal till the end.

As: I want her to call me mother so much. I feel this need after all these years. Not searching for you was the hardest thing I ever had to do as a mother, to not know if your children are even living or dying, to not have any news.

Dei: Mom, I don't want to remember our sad past, I cannot help myself from feeling lucky to have found you, still alive, and willing to have us back.

Alyssa hugged Deianeira tight.

As: You and your sister are always welcome here. No matter what happens, this is your home.

Dei: And we will always return, willingly or not.

Alyssa brushed her hair behind her ear.

As: How are you handling her callings?

Dei: From what I allowed myself to feel, last night was the worst night. I let the bond back on for almost an hour and all I could hear were screams of pain and then a dead silence; it just stopped. I let the bond stay, but I haven't been reached out to.

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