Chapter 17

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Shortly after the sun had risen, hidden behind the clouds and the morning fog, the entrance door was slammed and Lyserg entered with heavy steps, his eyes already red. He did not lose any time and rushed to their room, where he found the Warlock next to Deianeira's bed. He almost threw himself at her side and took her hand between his.

Lsg: Deianeira, look at me. Open your eyes.

W: Give her time, Lyserg, she was drained. She will recover, but slowly. As soon as her bloodstone will recover its red colour, you will know she is coming back to her senses.

Lsg: Thank you, Warlock. Please, don't leave her side until she is well.

W: I will not.

Lsg: Do you have the details?

W: I only know your parents had a role in this story.

Leaving the room in anger, he went straight to his father's study room who was staying at his desk, not yet recovered from last night's feast. As soon as Lyserg saw him in front of his eyes, he did not care at all he was his father; at that moment he was the person who had hurt Deianeira.

Lsg: What have you done?

Mk: Not now, Lyserg. I am not in the mood for this.

Lsg: How dare you?!

Lyserg put his hands on the desk with a thud and Mikael looked at him surprised, as Lyserg, though strong and stubborn, would never oppose him and would follow his orders blindly.

Mk: How dare I? How dare you defy me?!

Lsg: Defy you?! You betrayed me, you knew I would find out and you still went on with it! Her blood is poisonous and you still went on with it!

Mikael got up, eyes fixed on his son. Though his body was seriously hurt by the venom, he wouldn't let Lyserg rebel against him.

Mk: Let that be a lesson to you. Nobody lies to me!

Lsg: What I do is none of your business. You are too blinded by your obsession for Leon. When will you quit being his puppet?!

Mk: Get out Lyserg, before I do something I will regret. I am not in the mood for this. You don't have to understand, you will follow my rules and my orders!

Lsg: You are unwell, right? Good. Serves you perfectly. I hope it will last as long as possible. Next time when you have such a bloodlust just remember that, if she dies, Leon will kill you with his own hand.

Taking advantage of Mikael's weakness, he approached his father and placed his hand on his head. He could not afford for Mikael to have his memories when he recovered from Deianeira's venom and, before Mikael could fight back, his memory of the past two days faded away, the last thing to remember being that he was heading to the dining room. Leaving Mikael asleep on the chair, Lyserg went back to Deianeira, trying to push his anger away. More than angry, he felt guilty for leaving her alone.

W: Go get some rest, I will not leave her side. She needs me here for now.

He hated the idea of leaving her alone, but he still had one more person to meet and having the Warlock by her side was more than a great relief. He kissed her forehead and let out a sigh.

Lsg: Call me if anything happens; anything.

W: I will. Go now, your anxiety is not doing her good.

After leaving the room, he rushed to find Eva. The Warlock put his hand on her forehead and whispered to himself.

W: The fever is going up again. Fight, child, you must come back to us.

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