Chapter 19

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Lyserg & Deianeira

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Lyserg & Deianeira


Deianeira was still alone in her room, using the light of her fire to read the diary, since Lyserg was too busy keeping everyone away from her and spent less and less time with her. Suddenly, a shiver down her spine made her drop the notebook on the floor, her fire instantly burning stronger. She could no longer sense her sister. She felt panic overtaking her and left the room, calling Lyserg's name as she rushed down the stairs past Lyserg's study room, but he caught her by the waist and stopped her before falling. It was the second time he had been interrupted that day.

Lsg: What's wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?

Dei: It's Elain, I have to go see her, I can't feel her anymore.

He took her face between his hands, forcing her to look at him.

Lsg: Hey, hey calm down, look at me. Now, go back to our room and stand put. I already told you this morning, I have a lot on my hands.

She slapped his hands away.

Dei: Don't tell me to calm down! Can't you understand? I can't feel her anymore!

Lsg: I will send someone to check on them, but just calm down, I am sure they are fine.

Dei: Do you doubt my feelings? Have you not understood our bond until now?

Lsg: Hey!

His voice thundered in her ears and made her take a step back.

Lsg: I said calm down. She is perfectly safe there, but I will send someone, alright?

Having expected him to care about her worries, to believe in their bond more and take her to Elain immediately, she looked at him disappointed. She seemed to agree with him, but in the blink of an eye she ran past him down the stairs, but, as soon as she reached the ground floor, she came face to face with Eva.

Eva: What is this rush about? Deianeira, it's such an honour to show your face here.

Dei: Eva, happy to see you as well.

Suddenly she felt threatened by Eva's presence, her instincts kicking in to protect her. She did not understand why, but she wanted to harm Eva. That distraction gave Lyserg the opportunity to grab her arm and turn her to face him.

Lsg: Where do you think you're going?

Eva: Lyserg, dear, is she getting out of your hands?

Lsg: Not now, mother. Come, let us talk.

Before she could fight back, he pulled her back up the stairs to their room and closed the door loudly.

Lsg: Are you out of your mind?? Where are you running like that? Do you even know how to go there?

Dei: I'm running out of this prison!

Lsg: Prison? It is not a prison when it is meant to keep you safe. I swear Deianeira, you are most ungrateful. Why do you keep hurting and bothering me this way? Ramisu and I are having a hard time keeping you two safe and you constantly whine.

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