Chapter 60

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Dr: We will whole-heartedly share everything with everyone, but not with him.

When Darion pointed at the vampire who claimed for his interest to be Amel's well-being, Eden understood immediately what he meant and he took a few steps closer to the doors.

'What are you talking about? Do you have something against me, son of Leon? We are not all that foolish and gullible as your young vampire.'

Dr: With all my respect, Amel, I have been paying great attention to all of them. And he is lying.

Everyone started looking at each other, whispering between them.

'It can't be.''

'Who do you think you are to bring insecurities among us?'

'Do you think we will believe you?'

Am: Darion, this is not helping your cause.

Ed: Why would he take such a risk? Believe him, Amel. Darion can sense when someone lies, he can read their emotions. We know it very well.

The man accused stood up seemingly frustrated and angry.

'This is ridiculous, Amel. Why are the guards not here yet? Take him! Take all of them!'

Dr: If I am lying, will you let Amel drink from you?

'Amel has already drunk from us. You are not in the position to ask for anything other than to beg that we do not decide your death here today.'

Am: It's been decades since I drank from you.

'Amel...don't tell me you are considering it?!

Dr: Amel, trust me! Ask him to let you drink from him. You will see he is betraying you. He hates your family, he wants your power.'


Am: Then come here, my friend, and let us put an end to this.

'What are you talking about, Amel? Will you consider his word against mine? He sired your daughter, he destroyed the betrothal, he does not have an ounce of honour.'

Am: And I will make sure he pays for everything, but first let us prove your loyalties.

'This is insane!'

'He has the right to ask for it.'

'Amel, you are showing no respect to our friend!'

'It is only Darion's fault!'

'Can you blame him for wanting to prove his loyalty? I will do it right here and right now if needed!'

'Just go to Amel and get over with it.'

'Yes, let us see the devil's son burn for doubting one of us.'

The room was now filled with anger, anxiety and confusion, forcing Darion to stop reading them. The emotions were overwhelming, but he did not take his look away.

Rm: Amel, if there is something true about Darion that is that he is not reckless. He would not claim such a thing in the room of his enemy.

The vampire in question looked around the room and realized he had no escape, he knew that once Amel drank from him he would see everything about his deal with Leon made less than a decade ago, he would see how he had been spying on them and communicating everything to Leon for all these years.

Am: Do I have to come myself?

When Amel stood up, panic overtook him and, with no chances to live, he decided to go for Amel's weakest point. Being the third person sitting on Elain's side, he rushed at her and, before anyone could stop him, took out his hidden dagger, grabbed Elain and held silver the blade at her throat. Everyone stood up in shock and Elain felt the dizziness surrounding her once again, as if the sudden lift had snapped her out of a dream.

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