Chapter 102

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Amn: You've done great, Terrion. I'm sure you've had a rough time.

All the vampires on Amel's side that were close enough to witness the scene rushed to attack them, but both Amun and Terrion turned their backs, as Elain used her lighting to protect them from the rain of arrows. Rihanna and Malior helplessly watched them entering Leon's fortress, the heavy doors closing behind them.

Ramisu and Darion were leading their men against some troops that had retailed and were pushing Amel's forces back. Each caught up in their fight, they were unable to shake that feeling that something was happening. They felt the witches' powers wavering and they tried to remain focused. And then it happened. They both stopped in their tracks and the time stopped for both of them.

Dr: Deianeira! Answer me!

Rm: Elain?! Can you hear me?

Their men jumped in front of them, taking the hits in their shields.

'Lord Darion! Lord Ramisu, snap out if it!'

When Darion and Ramisu confronted reality, they both spoke at the same time.

Dr: Dei was passed out by lightning.

Rm: I lost the bond with Elain.

They did not move their gaze from one another, fear being written all over their faces. Enraged, they both slit the heads of the vampires which came in their way. Malior's red arrow lit with fire flew in the sky, a sign for all the vampires led by Deianeira to gather and help them, as he and Rihanna were fighting the others off. Malior felt Rihanna's rage as she was trying to contact Deianeira time and time again, losing her focus, leaving Malior to protect her. She did not feel the wounds anymore, she only wanted to reach her bow. Sebastian and Damien recognized the sign and reached them in a couple of minutes along with other vampires. Rihanna had tears in her eyes as she shot another vampire in the heart. With the others helping them, they managed to push Leon's forces back.

Sb: What happened?

Ml: They took her.

Rihanna went to the bow and picked it up with tears in her eyes.

Rh: Her bow will stay with me.

In her rage, Rihanna did not feel its weight entirely.

Dm: You know what she told us. You are in charge now. Don't disappoint her, Malior.

Ml: I won't. Now let us join Elain's swordsmen. Maybe we will find Caleb around here.

Neither Darion nor Ramisu held back in their fights, they slaughtered whoever dared to stay in their way. Their eyes only focused on the gates of the castle and they were ready to do anything to enter it, with or without the troops. They did not hear Amel's call, they refused to hear it, they refused to turn back on their heels and leave them there. Darion stopped only when Eden grabbed his arm and used his sword to stop Darion's.

Ed: You will not get in there alone! Had it been so simple, we would have already entered it.

Dr: I have to try to...

Ed: You will get yourself killed, stop this nonsense. Get Ramisu, Amel asked for us to regroup. Get a hold of yourself, you'll make us lose the battle.

Darion put down his sword, hatting it that Eden was right. He could not ignore the pain in his heart and the fear, the crushing fear for Deianeira's life. But he had to get himself together to save her, he could not ruin everything, not now when they were so close.

Dr: Ramisu!

He knew Ramisu was driven by the same hate, anger and fear. Ramisu was only steps away from switching his feelings off and turning into a reaper. Darion rushed at him, swinging his sword to make his way to Ramisu. He grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him to face him.

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