Chapter 24

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Deianeira opened her eyes when the carriage hit a rock and she fell off the bench, feeling weakened and confused. She was not yet sure if it was day or night, as her vision was blurry. When she tried to move, she felt the pain in her back and the heavy and metal smell of her own blood. As her eyes adapted to the dark, she suddenly remembered what had happened and where she was.

Dei: Lyserg...

She found herself alone in the chariot and, judging by the smell, she figured out she had company - four vampires. She clenched her teeth in attempt not to scream and, with a sudden and strong move, she took out the dagger that had been stabbed in her back. She felt her hands burned by it and she quickly let it fall on the floor and pushed it away with her foot, her blood pouring again causing her eyes turned red.

Dei: Lyserg.

She saw the image of Lyserg lying weak on bed again and again and felt overcome with anger and hate. She saw the image of Mikael and Eva before her eyes and she felt her fire about to come out. She had noticed the carriage had stopped only when she heard one of the vampires jumping off the cabby's place. When she saw the door opened, she did not have second thoughts, grabbed the dagger and threw it in the vampire's neck in the blink of an eye. She ignored the pain in her hands and saw the vampire turning into dust in front of her, his shouts echoing in the dark. Right after getting out of the chariot she was attacked by the three left vampires. Two of them put her to the ground and held her by her arms, showing their threatening fangs.

'Watch out, we want her alive.'

Dei: And this is your deadliest mistake.

Out of control, unaware of what she was doing and letting her instincts take over, Deianeira did not wait anymore and surrounded herself with a barrier of fire, as tall as the two vampires next to her that started shouting in pain, being burned alive.

'You cursed dhampir!'

The smell of burned flesh filled her nose and she smiled to herself, pleased by the power of her fire. She let her barriers down and the vampire rushed at her, his fangs and claws ready for attack, but she dodged him and surrounded him with her barrier.

Dei: Where are we?

'On the way to your death if you don't stop this.'

The barrier got smaller, its fires getting closer to the vampire.

Dei: Let me ask it again: what is the road back? I will let you live.

'You will die before finding your way back!'

He let himself fall in the flames, refusing to help the dhampir in any way.

Dei: Then my flames will be your death.

She turned on her heels and followed the marks left by the chariot, leaving behind the painful shouts of the vampires. Her body was already healing itself, but she was weakened due to the loss of blood and the wound caused by the silver dagger. Remembering the days when she and Elain would catch rabbits in the forest, she hoped her vampire instincts would not fail her. She started losing hope, seeing the forest covered in snow, the only path being the one the chariot had followed, but she lit up a small fire in her hand to help her warm up. She was not sure how far from the mansion she was and she did not want to waste too much energy, she still needed it to save Lyserg.

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