Chapter 8

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Elain woke up and checked on Deianeira, whose heartbeats were finally even. She was out of any danger now, in her right hand clutching the precious bloodstone. Knowing her sister would need to feed right after waking up, she changed her clothes and went outside to get the food ready. But, when Deianeira woke up, food was the last to worry about, as she could not feel the bloodstone in her hand. She sat up in bed and noticed that he room was lit by a candle, now that the sun had died away. Sitting on the bed next to her, Darion took her hands between his in an attempt to comfort her.

Dr: Are you alright?

Dei: Well...I think I am a little hungry since I haven't eaten in days and I have a slight headache.

Dr: We knew you would say this, Elain has already made stew.

He got up, took the plate from the table and gave it to her.

Dr: Eat up, you need to get your strength back.

Dei: Where is my stone?

Dr: It is safe, just eat now.

Giving in to her hunger, she ate everything that was on the plate and took her mind off the stone for the moment.

Dr: Quite an appetite.

Dei: But it still seems it isn't enough. There is one thing I haven't told you guys and it just scares me.

He lifted her chin up and looked her right in the eyes, questioning about the reason behind her keeping secrets from them.

Dei: Darion, I craved blood. It was the first time I have ever done that.

Dr: Your sister's?

Dei: necessarily...just blood, especially when I was wounded. I do not even know the taste, but I felt the need for it.

Embarrassed by the truth, she blushed and tried to hide her face, but Darion tucked her hair behind her ear and showed her a gentle smile.

Dr: There is nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. This is you growing up and embracing your heritage. Will you promise me one thing?

Dei: What is that?

Dr: Promise me that next time you will feed the need for blood you will tell me first.

Dei: Like you could actually stop it.

Dr: When did I say I would stop it? In such moments you can allow yourself to give in and I will take care of your needs.

She did not say anything, trying to push those images in her head away, she got up from the bed and started searching the drawers for some clothes. While she was searching, she felt Darion's chest against her back and, before she could make any move, she felt something cold resting on her cleavage. When she took a closer look, she saw the bloodstone hanging from a black lace, as the bloodstone already had a bead. Darion's whispers in her ear sent shivers down her spine.

Dr: You must always keep it close and out of sight.

She held the stone in her hand, feeling calmer right away, and took his arms and put them around her waist.

Dei: Now everything is perfect.

She could feel his smile as his lips touched her cheek, making her turn weaker and stronger at the same time.

Dei: You tell me to follow my cravings, right?

She turned around and faced him, decided to not care about the consequences or wait for him to take the lead anymore. She tiptoed, put her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his and, not completely surprised by her actions, Darion pulled her closer, making the kiss even more passionate. She felt completely lost in his arms, the blood rushing through her veins and setting fire to her flesh. Closing her eyes, she deepened the kiss, finding him unwilling to fight her back, on the contrary, wanting more of her. He was finally touching her, he could finally taste her lips and they were sweeter than he had thought. He did not want to let go of that feeling, right there and then, she was finally his.

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