Chapter 82

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Elain's short black skirt and high boots were stained with blood, whose exactly, she could not remember anymore. The village had been liberated, the enemy had been executed. Her sword was still hanging at her girdle, her hair was messily tied up in a high tail and she was holding her wrist above a man's mouth, blood dropping slowly from her hand. She had been feeding all the injured, keeping them alive with her healing blood and she was so focused on the man that she did not realize how close Ramisu and Deianeira were getting to her. Hidden in a tree, Deianeira jumped over Elain, and rolled with her on the ground. They stopped when Elain was on top of Deianeira, her sword at her sister's neck and Deianeira's hands clenched on Elain's arms.

Ela: Dei!

Dei: This is how you welcome me?

Elain let the sword fall and hugged her sister right away. They did not care at all about the mud they were laying in.

Ela: I'm sorry, I was not paying attention, you took me by surprise. I missed you so much!

Dei: I missed you as well, but let us keep the weapons away for now.

Elain laughed and got up, helping Deianeira as well. She then hugged her again, making Deianeira stumble on her feet. Her embrace was very tight.

Ela: I am so happy to see you.

Dei: I am so happy to see my rebellious sister alive and kicking. What were you trying to do?

Elain let go of her and showed her a proud grin.

Ela: Father told you? It doesn't surprise me. I feel Ramisu as well, I have been expecting him, he did take his time though.

Dei: Even better, he sent me to bring you back.

Elain wiped her cheek, but she only brought more dirt on it.

Ela: I'm sorry he made you come all this way. I am sure you are tired after the long road. It is almost over here, we should get back soon.

Deianeira bent to the man Elain had been tending on and Elain followed her.

Dei: I was actually curious about the way a battle unfolds.

Ela: Well, this is it. All our enemies are dead, we took no prisoners. And many humans were hurt, but I've been keeping them alive with my blood. He is the last one.

Dei: Stay with us, mister. Where is Darion?

Ela: Not sure, somewhere here with Caym. Can you save him? He will lose his arm if we don't help him now. My blood kept him alive, but the infection is not completely healed.

Dei: I can save him, I have healed similar wounds.

Ela: Good. If you need energy take from me.

Dei: I don't need yours. I control mine better now.

Elain smiled at her and felt the urge to brush her hair, but the man's life was more important than that. She watched Deianeira closely how she focused on the man and from her hands, the blue energy moved onto his wound. He felt calmer in a second and with the other hand he caressed her face.

'Thank you...'

He fell into a deep sleep, the wound having closed in a few minutes. Deianeira could not hide her smile, she was now able to control her energy and use it better, as well as make use of other's energy, while Elain, as a priestess, could only absorb the energy of the nature around her, she could not take it from people directly. But this was good enough to keep her going and ignore the tiredness in her limbs and the effects of the loss of blood.

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