Chapter 9

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With each passing day, Deianeira was regaining her strengths and getting more and more interested about her powers. Closely watched by Darion and Elain, she tried to learn about her own limits, she would not allow herself to reach them again. She had to control her energy and the bloodstone, always on her neck, helped her. Though she was not able to make the fire appear again, her healing powers did not cease to stay with her.

In the passing week, though staying next to her, holding her hand and brushing her hair had become a habit to Darion, he did not risk it again. He kept his distance when he felt they were getting too close and, though Deianeira could understand his reasons, she did not hide her wanting. It frustrated her so much, but she learned that her heart would have to remain alive for as much as she could, she did not want to cross the line. If she could die of old age, then so be it. She decided that if she could use her powers, she would use them for a greater good and, if Darion allowed her to live that day, she should appreciate her life even more. Yes, she wanted him, but she wanted to be human more.

As they walked through the forest during night time, Deianeira stopped under a tree and sat down, exactly where the moon shed its light on the ground.

Dei: So, Darion, I have made up my mind.

Dr: Hmm?

Though he seemed distracted from his thoughts, he sat next to her and pulled her head on his chest.

Dei: I want to make the most of my life and I will not give up on it so easily. I want to live to help the people around me and explore my powers.

Dr: That I already know. And I also know you will soon become the world's greatest healer. We just need to work on it a bit more.

Dei: What I mean is...

Dr: I know, I've already known it. Look at me.

She lifted up her head and looked into his eyes.

Dr: No matter how much I want it, I will never dare to transform you unless you ask me to, or you are in great danger. This is my last resort when it comes to your life.

Dei: Promise me?

Dr: I swear on my life. I would miss your sweet heart's melody too much.

Dei: How is it? Does it hurt? Do you feel anything?

Dr: I won't lie to you, it might hurt like hell, but it depends on too many things. It depends on the victim's body, on the blood and its will to resist, as well as on the venom of the vampire. For the weak ones it is easy, they give in in the blink of an eye. It is the strong ones who try to oppose that suffer more.

Dei: Devarion mentioned something and I've been wanting to ask you. What did he mean by imprinting?

Dr: In the vampire world, imprinting means that two people share blood, feeding of each other, thus creating a bond. When someone drinks your blood, they understand your emotions, your feelings and can see some of your memories. By imprinting, the two secure their relationship.

Dei: And you didn't do that to me? How much control do you have? I bled next to you.

Dr: A lot it, seems. I will not do that to you, but when I tell you to stay away, you have to listen to me.

She rested her head back on his chest, the cool wind of the night helping her put her thoughts in order. But later that night, Darion having left their room, she felt nervous in her sleep and woke up with a gasp. When she looked at Elain, she saw her twitching in her sleep, her eyes squeezed and her forehead sweated. Deianeira got up from her bed and tried shaking her up, but without any luck. She could feel her sister's fear in her mind and she started shaking as well, without any reason. Their connection only made it worse for her, but she knew she had to act fast. Seeing she couldn't wake her up, she went to get help regardless of the late hour of the night; she knew they had not yet left to hunt. Her knock on the door brought Darion out right away.

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