Chapter 21

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Lyserg stumbled on his feet, grabbed the lace and left the room. He started climbing down the stairs holding on to the railing when a servant carrying a bottle of blood caught up to him.

'Good morning, Master Lyserg. Are you feeling alright?'

He did not answer the question, grabbing the railing tighter.

Lsg: Take this lace. I do not want to ever see it again. Burn it, cut it, do whatever you want with it. I do not care!

'As you wish my Lord.'

In his thoughts, Lyserg damned Deianeira's venom. Having drunken more from her, he felt worse than last time and he let out a sigh of pain, putting his hand over the wound made by Deianeira's bite. A green liquid was still pouring from it.

Eva: Hi there, Lyserg.

Lsg: Hi.

Hearing his voice, she immediately realized he was in pain, so she rushed to his aid and noticed his burned clothes and his wounds.

Eva: What is the meaning of this?!

Lsg: Not now, mother. I only need to...

He fell on his knees and moaned in pain, Deianeira's venom working much faster than last time.

Eva: Come, I will help you to your room. Mikael! You, young boy, bring Lord Mikael to Lyserg's room immediately.

'Yes, madam!'

Having no other choice, Lyserg just let himself helped by Eva, being too close to collapse to protest. She helped him sit on the bed in his old room, which was mostly decorated in golden colours.

Eva: She did this, didn't she? You don't have to answer, you will lie.

Lsg: It was my fault, mother, don't start it.

At that remark, Eva puffed angered by her son's weakness.

Eva: Your fault? How can anything be your fault? You bring the world to her feet and, from I see, she still defies you. Otherwise, you would not use force with her.

Lsg: She only needs more time.

Eva: For how long has she been here? About four months now? How much longer will it take her to understand how things are going?

Lsg: Mind your own business, will you?

Eva: Don't talk like that to me. She's poisoning you against me!

Lsg: Mother!

It was clear to her she could not reason with him, she had been trying to knock some sense into him, to make him understand that he either turns her or takes her to Leon, but there was no other way. She had patience for too long, but it was time for her to take his fate in her own hands and she only regretted she waited till her son got injured.

Eva: Just rest now.

She left the room and, on her way to Deianeira's room, she met Mikael.

Mk: What happened now?

Eva: Out of my way, I will show that human who the Master in this house is.

But Mikael took her hand in his and stopped her.

Mk: Don't. You will only give her another reason to push Lyserg against us.

Eva: Come, let us talk.

In the blink of an eye, they were in Mikael's study room, the door shut behind them.

Eva: Lyserg is completely bewitched by that wench. He cannot think clearly anymore. I will not risk his loyalty to Leon by telling Leon that he's been lying to him.

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