Chapter 22

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Leon Daevos

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Leon Daevos

Leon Daevos

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On their way back, they did not exchange any words, unless needed. Darion, his feelings still shut, was only focused on the discussion they would have with Leon. If there was something he hated the most in this world, that was betrayal and he was not someone to forgive such a sin. Eden, on the other hand, kept repeating to himself that it was either not the whole truth, or that Leon must have had his own reason to lie to them. They were chosen by him, which was the greatest honour a mortal could have, he would not risk their relation in such a reckless way. No, there must have been more to it and he refused to draw conclusions before hearing Leon's side of the story. And yet, he could almost feel his heart ache whenever he heard Ramisu's words on his mind. Betrayals disgusted him.

Middle of September caught them still on the road and the burning sun slowed them down at times, but, having entered Leon's northern domains, the trees offered them more shade and the fog helped them move faster. Its cold stone walls rose above the whole kingdom, only the mountains around it being taller. The aura was heavy and dark.

The closer one came to the castle, the denser the forest was, but mostly dead. Only fierce beasts lived in the woods and no sane human would approach the land. The only humans one would see were the prisoners, servants and meals of the kingdom.

Darion and Eden were greeted with ovations, deep bows and respect one could show only to princes of their rank. They did not stop and went straight to the throne room, where Leon was waiting for them. His perfectly straight waist-long silver hair fell heavily on his back and he welcomed them with a wide smile.

L: My sons! I've been waiting for you for days, ever since you crossed our borders.

He came to face them, his long red cape caressing the marble floor, both of them bowed their heads and did not look up until Leon put his arms on their shoulders.

L: It's been too long since we departed and I missed you dearly. What news do you bring me? I see you came empty handed. This saddens me deeply.

Having crossed through forests and lakes, any trace of the girls' smell was now gone. They kneeled on one knee, their heads still bowed.

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