Chapter 35

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Ela: Put it back, please. Serion...

Sr: Alright, the party is over, honey. You heard your sister, you have to put it back.

He stood between Deianeira and Elain whose strong heartbeats almost deafened the two vampires.

'I can't promise that I will spend more time with you, but if you need me, hold onto this. It was a gift from my Adra, it has a great value to me. I hope you will treasure it like I do.'

These sentences kept on playing on Deianeira's head, as she caressed the silver blade of the dagger, unaware of the pain caused by it. Soon enough, she put a hand at her head.

Dei: Who are you? Why are you on my head?

Seeing Deianeira's hands hurt, Elain shut her name as to wake her up from her trance. She wanted to go to her and take the dagger from her hands, but Serion grabbed her arm and stopped her.

Sr: No, let her. She is about to wake up.

Ela: But not like this, not with him in her thoughts.

Deianeira tried to land a hit with the dagger, amazed of her newly found speed, her hand was firm on the handle. She felt in danger as she remembered how the dagger used to be her only protection, either from dagger sword hits; she felt sick as she saw how she impaled a vampire in the wall with it. She put it in the pocket of her dress.

Dei: Who gave me this weapon? It is most dear to me. Was it a vampire?

Ela: Yes, it was a vampire but...he is not here now.

'If you need a proof that everything I do is for you, then it is you who must have it. It is just an object, but it of great importance to me. If you have it, it will be even more important.'

Dei: I keep hearing his voice in my head, talking about why he decided to give it to me. I have to see him. I will ask Darion to take me to him.

Ela: No!

Her behaviour seemed very peculiar to Deianeira.

Dei: Why not? Master will understand this question. Maybe Master Darion knows more about this than you. I will take the dagger with me, since it is mine.

Sr: Let her take it, Elain. I really do not like the idea, but she has to wake up.

Dei: Wake up from what?

Sr: Come, honey. We should go back to your room. Darion should come back soon. And you are really hungry, right?

The crimson red in her eyes was a clear sign of her irritation.

Dei: You are taking me for a fool. I can hear your heartbeats, Elain, I won't leave this room.

Ela: I can't tell you anything, this is up to Darion. That vampire is not here and he will not come back and that is all I can say.

Dei: His smell is so familiar to me, I need to get to know him again, I almost feel like missing him.

Sr: Look at these sparkling eyes. You should leave before something bad happens, your Master will not be happy.

Dei: Sparkling? Sparkle...?

'My little sparkle, you grew up into a courageous woman, you are little and as lively as a spark. You are my best medicine; my little sparkle; mine.'

Dei: Lyserg...his name was Lyserg

Tears started falling uncontrollably from her eyes and brought her on her knees. In an instant, all of her memories hit her painfully, everything ran through her mind chaotically, seeing glimpses of memories, continuing with another one and coming back to the first one. Nothing made sense to her, but everything was known and she clenched her fist on her dress next to her heart, feeling it tearing apart.

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