Chapter 106

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Deianeira put a hand at her head, trying to heal the dizziness away. She did not want to give Luna the satisfaction of seeing her more damaged than she actually was. Along her ordeal she kept on reaching to Darion, calling him even in the few minutes she had managed to doze off from the pain. She was sad, her wounds called for healing, her heart yearned for her loved ones. She could not believe how much control Leon had over her sister, finally taking in all of Amun's rage as she understood that he would destroy her and her body if she ended up with him. He had trouble controlling himself around her. She touched her imprints which had appeared red on her neck, signalizing Amun that she was taken, but he did not care. He had bit right on the imprinting signs. Deep inside, she wanted to cry, to let all her pain out. This was just Leon talking for her, no, that could not be her sister. Her sweet Elain.

But then again, this was not the first time that Elain had hurt her because of his orders. Her hate for Leon grew even more as she promised herself to take her life before seeing him win over Amel and Darion. She would not live in such a world. But suicide was not in her plans. Yet. She had to stay strong for Elain in case Luna's control faded again. Tears fell but of anger. She was eager to exact her revenge on Luna, on Amun, on whoever stood in her way. And if she could reason with Elain, she would be lenient, if not, Deianeira was ready to fight her sister. It was a bitter taste, understanding that to earn her way out, she would have to fight her sister. This angered her the most. Deianeira knew Elain was strong, but she knew she was unable to kill her sister. But Elain would not hesitate to kill her. That was her fear, to not be able to reach her on time, before the final blow. Though, unconsciously, her aura had turned black as well.

Ln: Finally giving yourself to sorrow priestess? You have been silent for most of the time now. Did you heal yourself?

But Deianeira did not answer her, being coiled up in the center of the cage. The tears had long dried on her cheeks. She chuckled. Her last remaining hope was getting closer to her. Darion was on his way to break her from her silver cage, on his way to put an end to Leon's wicked plans. She fell into a deep sleep, giving herself the chance to forget about the pain and put the dark thoughts aside. She lost track of time, she did not wish to wake up and return to that mess.

But a powerful sound, something that shook the entire castle, woke her up. She did not have time to ask anything, she saw Luna running out of the room and only heard a click at the door, before finding herself alone in that room. The sunlight faintly entered through the small window. She reached for Darion, but he could not talk with her now. Now he had to fight. She desperately started to kick the bars, trying to escape. She growled in anger at her weak body, cursed the silver and its creators and only stopped when the burns hurt too much to ignore them. After what felt like hours of struggling, she heard the click in the door again. She stepped away from the cage's gate, waiting for the unknown witch to enter. The blonde girl entered and shut the door behind her. She seemed no older than fourteen years old. Her small hands were trembling, as she was trying to unlock the gate. Deianeira heard the beatings of her heart, her fear and desperation.

'Please, go and save them. If you are the missing piece as they said, you can do something to stop this.'

Deianeira got out and rushed directly to the bottles on the table. She finished three of them without even wondering about the little girl's plans. That was the moment she had been waiting for and she was ready to burn them all on her way to Elain. The girl represented no threat to her. She turned to her and she took a few steps back. She was trembling in terror.

Dei: I won't harm you. Thank you for setting me free.

The girl shook her head and swallowed with a gulp.

'It is not you I fear. Luna, my is not my sister anymore. Luna is the one I fear.'

Deianeira was having a hard time understanding the girl's mumbles and she did not intend to lose time. But the girl grabbed her hand, stopping her from leaving.

'Please, you have to stop her. She's gone mad, she...she...'

Dei: Calm down, I cannot understand what you are saying. I already know what Luna is trying to do and I will not let her...

The girl interrupted her.

'No, you don't know, nobody knew until last night. Luna and Leon will try to bring back Astaroth.'

Dei: Who?

'Astaroth, Leon's father.'

Dei: There is no way for such a thing to happen, no one has such strong magic, not even Luna.

'Yes, no one but priestesses.'

Deianeira felt her blood turning cold. She had never heard Elain talking about it, she must not have known about it either. But it did make sense why Leon let so many of his men die, only to bring her and Elain closer to that very castle, the one where he must have already had Astaroth's stoned corpse. It also made sense why he still needed her, though he had already drunk from her. Vervain or not, that was still her blood and was enough to make him stronger.

'Luna killed all of our sisters last night. She sacrificed each and every of her sisters bring him back and rule with Leon. I am the only one left and the only reason is because I am a maiden and a witch, the final sacrifice to give her the power she needs to bring him back.'

Dei: This is impossible...

'They tried it before, so many times, but she lied to us, she swore to us she made those sacrifices for our own powers to grow, to fight together. But what she's done is...unforgivable. Please, believe me, had I known earlier I would have come to free you. I swear to you, only last night did I find out and...and...'

Dei: Stop, stop, I believe you.

Deinaiera grabbed her by the shoulders, trying to calm her down. She could not believe her ears, she had thought she knew how evil Leon could be. But she could not have been more wrong.

'Please, stop them. If Astaroth comes back, there will be no more hope for anyone in this world.'

Dei: I will stop them. I promise.

The girl nodded as if to force herself believe Deianeira's words. She did not have any more time for talking, she made sure the girl locked the door after she went out and told Darion everything she had found out. As soon as she reached the stairs, she felt the smell of the girl's blood much stronger; then her heart stopped right away. Though so very scared, it seemed she had the last bit of courage to change her own fate of a sacrifice and her fate in her own hands. Clenching her fists tight, Deianeira called up her hidden energy and surrounded herself in her red aura. Only one thing was missing and Deianeira was keen on finding it. She swore revenge as she went in search of her bloodstone and of her sister. The bloodstone's light energy would be her guide as she started descending the stairs, prepared to face whatever and whoever was coming at her. Her healing energy radiated brightly around her.

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