Chapter 29

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Ela: Dei! Dei, no, no, talk to me!

Elain kneeled next to her sister and put her hands on the wound, pressing to stop the bleeding. Deianeira looked at her, her vision blurry, and convinced herself she was on the point of dying. There was no way Elain could be right there next to her. Her body immediately started healing itself, but the snow was already red around her. From somewhere far away, she heard Lyserg's voice calling her name, as he got up and rushed to her side.

Dei: Ela...

Ela: I am here, you will be fine, don't worry.

Her hands were trembling, her voice cracked and her tears kept falling. Eden let himself fall on his knees next to Deianeira and took her hand in his.

Ed: I didn't come all this way to see you hurt. Hang in there.

He then rushed to Darion's aid, who was already biting the hunter's neck. After releasing Elive from under the net, Ramisu rushed to Lyserg and seeing him covered in blood angered and worried him at the same time. He wanted to be the one to kill the hunter, but Lyserg needed his immediate attention. He put his arm over his shoulder, but got pushed away.

Lsg: I have to see her.

Right before reaching Deianeira, Darion appeared in front of him, his eyes as red as her blood. Deianeira could see Darion's back and Lyserg's eyes.

Dr: This is only your fault.

Darion's deep voice sounded clearly in her ears, it had not changed at all, he was the same Darion she left behind a long time ago.

Dei: Elain, I have to see them. I have to do something...

Ela: You are not moving from here. Darion knows what to do.

The sun almost gone, she felt like this was only the beginning.

Dei: Don't let them fight.

Ela: Hush, hush. Save your energy.

Elain had taken off her cape and used it for pressing on Deianeira's wound. She hated herself for being so slow and keeping the boys behind. Had they run faster, none of it would have happened.

Lsg: You. Why did you come back? You are nothing but a bad omen.

Lyserg was now panting due to his wounds, but his bloodlust and hate towards Darion made him unaware of the pain.

Dr: You are the worst fate she will ever face.

He grabbed him by the collar and almost spit the words, but Lyserg pushed him away.

Lsg: No matter what you say, you came too late. She is mine and you have to step aside, the same way you did last time.

Ramisu stood by Lyserg's side and Eden was next to Darion, but both of them knew this was their fight and they did not have a word to say. Elive watched the scene from afar.

Dr: I blame myself for shutting my feelings at that time. It is my fault, I chose the easy way and did not fight for her. Had I known how useless you were, I would have never let her next to you!

Lyserg could not control himself anymore and simply attacked Darion. Too many people called him weaker than him, but he would not allow Darion himself say such things.

Dei: No, stop them!

Deianeira moaned in pain and Darion looked at her, giving Lyserg the chance to attack him again, but he could not feel any of those hits. He was enraged and his hands wanted Lyserg's blood on them.

Dr: You will pay for every second in which she was in danger.

Lsg: The only danger here is you! She is perfectly happy with me! You are the only one who ruins everything!

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